Facts on Best Diet for Cancer Prevention
This article is about the best diet for cancer prevention and it is quite imperative to pay attention to foods which we ought to increase in consumption and the ones to reduce their intake.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the burden of 30 to 40 cancers can be attributed to lifestyle risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diets low in fruits and vegetables, excess weight and obesity as well as physical inactivity.
In a 2018 report by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), the non-profit organizations that lead the global network of cancer prevention charities, 10 cancer prevention recommendations regarding diet and nutrition have been developed.
These recommendations are based on the Continuing Update of Evidence in Cancer Research project, which summarizes current evidence with relevant articles from randomized controlled trials and cohort studies.
Together, they promote a lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, physical activity and weight management. I urge you to read down and see the best diet for cancer prevention.
This not only helps reduce the risk of cancer but also helps prevent obesity and other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Research on the Best Diet and Recommendations
An overall healthy diet can reduce cancer risk by 10-20%.
The association between diet and cancer incidence varies by cancer site and sex, but the recommended elements of a healthy diet are generally similar.
WCRF/AICR has listed the following dietary recommendations to protect against cancer:
Limit alcohol intake:
On best diet for cancer prevention, there is strong evidence that alcohol consumption is a cause of cancers of the mouth, pharynx and larynx, oesophagus (squamous cell carcinoma), liver, colorectal and breast (especially after menopause).
Every 10 grams of alcohol (in the form of ethanol) consumed per day increases the risk of these cancers by 4 to 25%.
Evidence shows that all types of alcoholic beverages have similar effects on cancer risk.
This recommendation therefore includes all alcoholic beverages, whether beer, wine, spirits (liqueurs) or any other alcoholic beverage, as well as other sources of alcohol.
SEE ALSO: Recipes for Cancer Prevention
Eat a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans
Make whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes like beans and lentils an important part of your daily diet.
There is strong evidence that eating whole grains protects against colorectal cancer and that eating foods containing fiber protects against colorectal cancer, weight gain, overweight and obesity, as noted.
Limit fast foods
Since I have made a list of best diet for cancer prevention, it is recommended you avoid fast foods. Fast foods are prepared meals that tend to be high in energy and are often consumed in large portions.
Most of the evidence about fast food comes from studies of burgers, fried chicken, French fries, and high-calorie drinks (containing sugar, like soda; or unhealthy fats, like milkshakes).
There is strong evidence that diets high in fast foods and other processed foods are high in unhealthy fats, starches, or sugars, as is eating a “Western-style” diet (characterized by large amounts of sugar, meat and added fats) are the cause of weight gain, overweight and obesity, which is a risk factor for many cancers.
Limit red and processed meat
Red meat includes all types of muscle meat from a mammal, including beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse, and goat.
Processed meat has been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking, or other processes to enhance flavor or improve preservation.
The risk of colorectal cancer increases by 16% for each 50 g of processed meat/day consumed and 12% for each 100 g of red meat/day.

Because meat can be a valuable source of nutrients, especially protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12, minimally processed red meat should be limited rather than completely avoided.
However, poultry and seafood are generally healthier sources of protein, along with many other nutrients.
Consume very little, if any, processed meat
Limit sugary drinks
There is convincing evidence that sugary drinks cause weight gain, overweight and obesity in children and adults, especially when consumed frequently or in large portions.
As noted above, obesity increases the risk of many cancers.
Best Diet for Cancer Prevention
In order to prevent and help against various types of cancers, it is recommended to elevate the intake of certain foods while others should be avoided. In order to map out the best diet for cancer prevention, it is imperative to see the list of foods one needs to avoid.
Prevention of the Cancer of the Larynx
- Increase
- Fruits
- Green leafy vegetables
- Vegetable oils
- Antioxidant vitamins (A, C and E)
Reduce or Eliminate
- Alcoholic beverages
- Mate
- Cured meat
Prevention of Cancer of the Mouth
- Fruit particularly citrus
- Vegetables, particularly those rich in carotenes
Reduce or Eliminate
- Alcoholic beverages, particularly liquors and wine
- Meat, especially roasted or barbecued
- Mate
- Chilies that is, hot peppers
Prevention of Brain Cancer
- Vitamins particularly C and E
Reduce or Eliminate
- Hot dogs: their consumption by pregnant women increases the risk of cancer in their children.
- Cured and roasted meat
- Hamburgers
- Processed pork products such as boiled ham and bacon
- Fried food
Prevention of Nasopharyngeal Cancer
- Vegetables
- Carotenes (provitamin A)
Reduce or Eliminate
- Very hot tea or infusion
- Smoked products
- Salted products
- Salted fish, particularly for infants
Prevention of Lungs Cancer
- Fruits and vegetables
Reduce or Eliminate
- Cured meats (sausages, bacon)
- Beer
- Whole milk and dairy products
- Eggs
- Refined baked goods
Prevention of Esophageal Cancer
- Fruits, especially citrus fruits
- Vegetables
- Beta-carotene (provitamin A) and carotenoids
- Fiber
Reduce or Eliminate
- Alcoholic beverages
- Very hot beverages especially mate
- Red meats, particularly barbecue
- Pickles
Prevention of liver Cancer
- Vegetables
- Beta-carotene (provitamin A)
Reduce or Eliminate
- Pork
- Wine
- Moldy foods or those with aflatoxin residue.
Prevention of Breast Cancer
Increase the intake of the following:
- Soy, tofu soymilk
- Fruits and vegetables especially carrots and spinach
- Olive oil
- Garlic
- Yogurt
- Fiber
- Vitamin C
- Beta-carotene
- Vitamin E
Reduce the intake of the following:
- Red meats (fish and skinless chicken are not that detrimental
- Processed pork (sausages, ham, etc)
- Eggs
- Milk
- High fat cheese
- Trans fatty acids (margarine and commercial baked goods)
- Alcoholic beverages, even in low doses
- Chocolate and pastries
Prevention of Colon Cancer
Increase the intake of these foods below:
- Fiber
- Fruits
- Vegetables particularly carrots and spinach
- Whole-grain bread and pasta
- Fermented dairy products (Yogurt) and calcium.
Eliminate or Reduce the intake of these foods
- Red meats (beef, pork, lamb)
- Processed or cured meats
- Well-done meat
- Liver and other variety meats
- Eggs, women in particular
- Cured high-fat cheese
- Sugar such as that added to coffee
- Alcoholic beverages, especially wine
- Fats and high-calorie foods, especially animals based.
Prevention of Kidney Cancer
- Increase the intake of the following:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Fruit, particularly citrus and apples
- Salads
Reduce or eliminate the intake of the following:
- Proteins
- Fats
- Chicken
- Red meats, meat products
Prevention of pancreatic Cancer
Increase the intake of these foods
Reduce or Eliminate these:
- Fish
- Meat
- Eggs
- Proteins
- Cholesterol
- Saturated animal fat
- Calories
- Alcoholic beverages
Prevention of Ovarian Cancer
Elevate or Increase the intake of the following foods:
- Fish
- Vegetables, particularly carrots
- Whole-grain bread and pasta
Eliminate or reduce the intake of these;
- Butter
- Meat
- Whole milk
- Saturated fat
- Eggs
Prevention of Prostate Cancer
Increase the intake of the following:
- Fruit
- Fructose
- Carotenoids (lycopene)
- Vitamin E
- Tomatoes
- Dried fruits (dates, raisins)
- Legumes
- Garlic
- Citrus pectin
- Soy, tofu, Soymilk (beverages)
Reduce the intake of the following below:
- Red meats
- Milk
- Calcium from foods or supplements
- Animal fat
Prevention of Cancer of the Urinary Bladder
Increase the consumption of the following:
- Fruits
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Beta-carotene (provitamin A)
- Vegetables, particularly spinach and carrots
Reduce the intake of the following:
- Pork and lamb
- Milk
- Pickles
- Coffee
- Sodium (salt)
- Excess calories
- Fat, animal fat
- Wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages
- Fried foods
Prevention of Endometrial Cancer
Increase the intake of these foods:
Reduce or Eliminate
- Red meat and cured meats
- Cured or Salted Fish
- Eggs
- Animals fat
- Margarine
- Cholesterol
Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Increase the intake of these foods:
- Fruits
- Vegetables, especially those rich in Beta-carotene such as carrots
- Vitamin C
- Folates
- Antioxidants (vitamins A, C and E)
Reduce or Eliminate
- Meat
- Animal fat
- Sugar
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.