Effects of Fish Oil

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Positive and Negative Effects of Fish Oil

First of all, this post encompasses both positive and negative effects of fish oil. That means the both effects will be discussed. In essence, fish oil is simply fish fat which is liquid at room temperature.

The primary components of fish oil are triglycerides together with another component called phospholipid (lecithin).

Fat found in fish is the unique constituent of fish and it differentiates it from other types of food. Fish fat which is fish oil at room temperature gives fish the medicinal benefits we benefit from.

The fish oil triglycerides are made up of fatty acids that are quite unique and also different from other types of foods. The above fish oil components have the following characteristics:

  1. Polyunsaturated: They are made up of 6 double bonds. Fatty acids from other animals are quite saturated.
  2. Omega – 3: Significant amounts of fatty acids molecules of fish are of configuration of omega-3. It is noteworthy that other animal-based foods do not contain this type of fatty acid. This fatty acid is somewhat special.

However, eggs from hen and shellfish that have been fed with seaweed may likely contain it. And in vegetables, linolenic acid is the fatty acid of unsaturated omega-3. Linolenic acid is found in walnuts, evening primrose, wheat germ and canola oils.

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Beneficial Effects

One of the beneficial effects or positive effects of fish oil is that it is used as dietary supplements in treating certain diseases. Be that as it may, viewed from a different angle, some people may not gain any benefits at all after taking it.

Fish oil
Fish oil

As recommended, the daily dose of fish oil is expected to be four (4) to ten (10) grams, and this holds approximately 1 to 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids.

Therefore, below are some of the beneficial effects of fish oil in the case mentioned.

  1. Hypertension
  2. Arteriosclerosis
  3. Ulcerative colitis
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis
  5. Dysmenorrhea
  6. Thrombosis
  7. Alteration regarding blood plasma lipids


Several studies have shown how fish oil is capable of reducing arterial hypertension while other studies state otherwise. As it is, studies show effects of fish oil is quite effective on hypertension.


As stated above regarding the recommended dose of fish oil, it is said that it helps in slowing down the progress of arteriosclerosis.

Ulcerative colitis

Clinical improvement is recorded when about 6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids is taken on a daily for a period of four months.

Rheumatoid arthritis

When about 10 grams of fish oil is administered on a daily basis for about six months, there’s an anti-inflammatory effect and it also reduces the intake of other medications. According to verywellmind, fish oil is capable of reducing rhematoid arthritis and depression.


Omega-3 helps to reduce the symptoms of dysmenorrhea especially in adolescents. Therefore, the recommended dose is 2 grams daily for about 2 months. Omega-3 reduces the risk of severe cardiac arrest or heart attack.


With fish oil, the level of fibrinogen is lowered and this is the blood protein which is responsible for clothing. This same effect is also recorded in olive oil.

Alteration in blood plasma lipids

Some time ago, it was thought that reduction in cholesterol levels could be achieved with fish oil. As it is, this is not the case because The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition made a publication regarding a supplement in 1997 which is exclusively dedicated to fish oil.

Omega -3
Omega-3-Giving Foods

After reviewing all of these articles, it’s clear that the intake of three (3) to seven (7) grams of fish oil every day for at least two to three weeks, brings about the following:

–        A 25% to 30% decrease in triglycerides levels. Remember, triglycerides are a kind of fat that circulates in the blood and their increase is established, it promotes arteriosclerosis and coronary disease. This happens in women than in men.

–        Increase or maintenance in cholesterol levels.

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Negative effects of fish oil

The following are some of the negative effects of fish oil.

  1. Insufficient vitamin E
  2. Harmful substances
  3. Hypervitaminosis A
  4. Poor record in wound healing
  5. Cerebral hemorrhages

Insufficiently vitamin E

Since there is insufficient vitamin E in fish oil, it is recommended to supplement vitamin E to compensate for the tendency of DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids in becoming oxidized. This should be done whenever omega-3 or fatty fish is taken in a great deal.

Harmful substances

The presence of cholesterol and some traces of mercury found in fish oil have negative effects which impairs arterial health. These substances are quite harmful and pose a great deal of negative effects.

Hypervitaminosis A

Hypervitaminosis A cases have been recorded after a prolonged use of fish oil, probably over a period of six months. This poses some negative effects of fish.

Poor records in wound healing

After a period of one month upon taking fish oil supplements, wound healing capability is somewhat diminished simply because the collagen tissue in the body is already weakened. Therefore, it is recommended not to take fish oil after surgical interventions.

Cerebral hemorrhages

As in the case of Eskimos, cerebral hemorrhages tend to happen among individuals who take large amounts of fish oil or fatty fish.


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