Eyebright Benefits

Eyebright Benefits

Healthful Eyebright Benefits

In this article, a detailed information regarding eyebright benefits will be revealed which proffer this medicinal plant as one of the best plants for the eyes. It is said that eyebright is ideal for eye baths.

In Europe, this herb has been in use traditionally for eye ailments such as irritation and redness (bloodshot). Its Greek name is Euphrasia, meaning gladness, pointing to how one may feel if the herb brings back the health of your eye.

About Eyebright

In this article, we’d take a look at the uses and benefits and also eyebright precautions.

This medicinal herb is native to Europe, Asia, and North America. The herb grows well in poor soil, it also gets its nutrients from the nearby plants roots. The leaves, flowers and stems are mainly used in traditional herbal medicine.

One of the eyebright benefits is that it is used as dietary supplements. Also, it is used in homeopathy, medicine which uses diluted substances for treatments.

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Properties and Indications

Eyebright Benefits
Eyebright Plant

Eyebright is an annual herb of the family of the Scrophulariaceae. It grows from 10 to 30 cm in height, as stated above. The colors of the flowers are white with purple lines.

It is said to be a parasite which feeds on the root of other plants. This is according to a book written by Dr. George D. Pamplona-Roger (“Healthy Plants”)

The part of the plant used for medicinal purposes is the whole plant. The plant affects the eyes, liver and blood. The plant has the following properties:

  1. Tonic
  2. Astringent

The main properties are:

  1. The whole plant contains the glucoside substance aucubine, tannin, phenolic acids, Vitamin A and C, flavonoids and trace elements.
  2. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties which are quite effective on conjunctival mucosa.
  3. In the middle ages, it has been used to heal blepharitis, i.e, inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea (keratitis), and eye tearing.

Amazing Eyebright Benefits

Under this heading, we’ll see amazing eyebright benefits.

Against Inflammations

Among several eyebright benefits is its application as gurgles and mouth rinses in cases of Inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatitis), pharyngitis and can be administered as nasal irrigation for rhinitis (inner nasal inflammation).

Eye irrigation

It’s common name, “eyebright” is used to refer the traditional use for the treatment of problems regarding the eyes of people and animals. A text-tube study conducted showed that eyebright extracts is good at controlling inflammation in human cornea cells.

Eyebright Benefits
Eyebright dried herb

Again, another study found that eyebright and chamomile in an eye drop helped in protecting cornea cells from inflammation induced by the ultraviolet rays and damage.

Rose extract and equal amount of eyebright have been in use to eradicate inflammation due to dust, wind, pollen allergy, eyestrain or infections.

One of the eyebright benefits is that, it brings about improvements in the eye symptoms.

Enriched with Plant Compounds

There are various beneficial plant compounds found in eyebright such as quercetin and flavonoids luteolin.

These compounds inhibit immune cells which help in releasing histamine. The antihistamine effect or action is one of the reasons why this medicinal herb has been in use, traditionally, to treat allergies as well as hay fever.

They also contain compounds called iridoids such as aucubine which helps to minimize scarring of heart tissue relating to damaging states like after a heart attack.

Other health benefits

Eyebright Benefits to health may include the following:

  1. Lower blood sugar: A Study where oral extract prepared from eyebright leaves were given to rats with diabetes, showed their fasting blood sugar diminished or reduced by 34% within 2 hours. However, no effect was detected on blood sugar of rats that weren’t suffering from diabetes.
  2. Fight or combat harmful bacteria: The action of the plant compounds in eyebright may halt the development or growth of harmful bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus which are also part of eye infections.
  3. Protection of the liver: A plant compound stated above (aucubine) may help prevent liver damage from toxins, viruses and certain free radicals. This is also one of the eyebright benefits.
  4. Good for skin: Another one among eyebright benefits is its action to prevent sun damage to the cells of skin. It helps fight against free radicals.
  5. Colds and Coughs: Traditionally, eyebright benefits are seen in its treatment against inflammation from sinus infections, coughs and cold. This is natural anti inflammatory agents.

In eyebright benefits, internally, eyebright has the ability to stimulate the liver to clear the blood and brings about clarity of vision as it relieves those conditions that affect vision

Eyebright benefits are seen in its everyday consumption as it treats all eye problems. One of the eyebright benefits is that it aids discomfort from minor eye irritation or eyestrain.

Eyebright Benefits ever known:

  1. It is recommended for watery eye or itchy eyes
  2. It has detoxifying effects coupled with cooling property, making it useful in fighting inflammation
  3. It can also be used against inflammation of the throat and nose
  4. Other eyebright benefits are seen in its effectiveness against diabetes, allergies, cataracts, impure blood, hay fever, congestion of the nose and throat, upper respiratory problems etc.

Externally, it is used as eyewash together with goldenseal, fennel for conjunctivitis, eye weakness, burning and sore eyes, and other eye diseases.

Preparation and Use

External Use

Infusion with about 40 grans of plant per liter of water.

  1. Eyedrops: 5 to 10 drops in each eye, four times a day
  2. Gargles and rinses: In cases of oral or pharyngeal conditions.
  3. Nasal irrigation, in cases of rhinitis or cornea
  4. Eye irrigation: allow the liquid to drop from the temple to the nose. This should be done in the morning.

Tea: 1 – 2 teaspoons of dried eyebright per 1 cup of boiled water. Allow steeping for 7 minutes, strain and sweeten with honey

Capsules: 400 – 470 mg per capsule 2 times a day

Liquid Extract: 1 – 2 ml, 3 times a day.

Remember that washing sleepy eyes with eyebright brings good results. Aside cleansing secretions, it diminishes the inflammation and also dries the conjunctiva.


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