Foods for Schizophrenia

Foods for schizophrenia

Healthful Foods for Schizophrenia

The purposes and effects of some foods tagged; “foods for schizophrenia” can contribute to the course of the disease positively.

The intake of these foods should be on the increase while some foods considered as “not good for schizophrenia” should be eliminated or have their intake decreased.

Schizophrenia is simply a hereditary mental disease characterized by personality changes and hallucinations.

The cause of this mental disease is yet to be uncovered. However, it has inherited components.  According to Doctor George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D, the reason for not getting to know the causal factors of this disease could be due to subtle changes in the chemistry of the neurons in the brain.

Diet in cases of Schizophrenia

As stated above, diet is capable of contributing to the course of schizophrenia, either negatively or positively. As it is, I will be making some lists of foods for schizophrenia that would go a long way in managing this ailment.

I will also make a list of foods that should be avoided or maybe have their intakes decreased. Although, there seems to be data considered not concrete enough but the following are recommended.

Foods for schizophrenia
A Schizophrenic

Individuals who are suffering from this mental disease should eat abundant amounts of plant-based foods which include: fresh fruits, legume, vegetables and nuts.

This should also avoid every food or products that are capable of producing allergies.

They ought to do away with situations leading to hypoglycemia (or low blood sugar) which makes the brain suffer a lack of glucose.

In essence, the following are some of the dietary contributing factors

  1. Lack of regular meals
  2. Diet that lacks complex carbohydrates
  3. Poor breakfasts.

List of Foods for Schizophrenia

The following are some foods for schizophrenia. These foods are highly recommended for Schizophrenics. They are:

  1. Legumes
  2. Nuts
  3. Wheat germ
  4. Fruit
  5. Vegetables


Legumes are considered as foods for schizophrenia because they are a good source of complex carbohydrates, protein and B group vitamins.

They all benefit schizophrenics. Legumes such as soy beans, lentils or beans are highly recommended.


foods for schizophrenia
foods for schizophrenia

To maximize the advantages of nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, hazelnut or chestnut, it is important to increase the intake of these nuts because they are some of the foods for schizophrenia.

They are a good source of vitamins B and E and also essential fatty acids whose roles in the brain chemistry are of utmost importance.

Wheat germ

As one of the foods for schizophrenia, it is the part of the grain that is highly rich in nutrients and various active substances, in particular:

  1. Essential fatty acids
  2. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 niacin and folates
  3. Power antioxidant like vitamin E
  4. Enzymes
  5. Proteins
  6. Minerals

In addition, it is one of the best sources of B group vitamins, vitamin E and minerals as mentioned above. They all help in providing balance to nervous system.


FRUITS AND Vegetables
Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits provide vitamins, sugars and minerals that help in facilitating brain function.

According to studies, individuals with schizophrenia don’t get fiber as required.

Fruits such as apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries and others are some of the fruits.

As it is, fiber helps inhibit bad cholesterol and improves digestion. The chances of one getting some health issue are always reduced with diets rich in fiber. Fruits are highly recommended in cases of ailments such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease.


Fresh vegetables are recommended for people with schizophrenia because they provide healthy and invigorating effect that help those with mental illness like schizophrenia.

Others are oysters and crabs

According to WebMD, there’s a link between schizophrenia and low levels of zinc. Some sea foods such as crab, oyster and lobsters are high in zinc. We can get it in beef and some cereals that are fortified. They are available in supplements.

Also consider:

  1. Clams
  2. Cod Liver Oil

Foods Bad for Schizophrenia

The following are foods that people with schizophrenia should avoid. The intake of the foods listed below should be eliminated or totally avoided. They are:

  1. Dairy Products
  2. Additives
  3. Stimulant Beverages
  4. Alcoholic Beverages
  5. Gluten

Dairy Products

Dairy products are not foods for schizophrenia because they can cause allergic reactions and with mechanisms as these, they release changes in brain chemistry which trigger schizophrenia.


Additives are capable of causing or aggravating nervousness and hyperactivity by means of allergic mechanisms.

As a matter of fact, artificial coloring and several chemical sweeteners pose most danger to this mental illness called schizophrenia.

Stimulant Beverages

Regarding the health status of the Schizophrenics, it is important to note that stimulant beverages are not among the foods for schizophrenia.

This is because the caffeine in tea, coffee, mate and others produce a nervous state of thrill that is quite prejudicial and unhealthy for schizophrenics.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic Beverages to avoid with osteoporosis
Alcoholic Beverages

One of the unhealthy functions of alcoholic beverages is that it impairs the brain. It also causes interference with psychotropic medications.

For the good of the schizophrenics, it is important they avoid it totally.


This is a type of protein found in barley, rye, oats, and wheat.

They aggravate allergic reactions in sensitive individuals and studies found that these reactions may trigger or worsen schizophrenia. Therefore, the intake should be reduced.


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