Recommended Foods for Stomach Ulcers
The foods and fruits listed down below are some of the recommended foods for stomach ulcers. These are the foods which ulcer patients ought to consider as a part of their diet plan.
Stomach ulcers or gastro-duodenal ulcer is a kind of discontinuity of the mucous membrane lining the inner side of the duodenum or stomach.

This ailment may be as a result of multiple causes such as:
- Excess acid in the stomach
- Stress or tension regarding the nervous system which may trigger vasoconstriction and diminish the supply of blood to the gastric mucosa thereby making it appear unprotected.
- Microorganisms such as Helicobacter pylori which is capable of causing gastritis and ulceration of the duodenum or stomach.
- Irritants such as alcohol beverages, carbonated beverages, spices, aspirin, coffee, tobacco etc.
Symptoms of ulcers
The following are the symptoms of stomach ulcers
- Feeling satiated and full easily
- Feeling of discomfort between meals
- Pains which appear and disappear for days at a time
- Pains such as stomach pains which disturb your sleep
- Burning pain in the stomach or bloating
The following symptoms may seem severe and should require medical attention
- Back pain or pain in the back
- Vomiting blood
- Nausea
- Weight loss that can’t be explained
- Bloodstained stool
List of foods for stomach ulcers

The purposes and effects of the following foods are to help aid healing, protect the stomach, prevent the recurrence of ulcers, reduce inflammation etc.
However, one should avoid those foods that may trigger stomach ulcers. Foods such as raw foods or fiber foods except if they must be well chewed because they ought to help protect against ulcers,
Again, it is important to eat small and more often because it helps keep the stomach in a state of near-continual stimulation and this increases acid production even more. However, it is counterproductive as an ulcer cure.
People believe drinking large amounts of milk helps heal ulcer but it is also a known fact that milk is capable of raising acid levels in the stomach linings.
In essence, the following are the lists of foods for stomach ulcers
- Oats
- Okra
- Oils
- Cabbage
- Potato
- Cherimoya
- Fiber
- Foods rich in vitamin A
- Vitamin C foods
- Honey
- Tapioca
In the acute phase of stomach ulcers or grastro-duodenal ulcer, oats is recommended to serve as the principal food.
It is quite nutritious, soothes, and even helps to stop inflammation. Oats also promote healing of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is an ulcer-friendly food.
The preferred methods of preparation is cooked or porridge.

I made a post regarding okra, a post that gives detailed information on the benefits of eating okra. Okra is one of the foods for stomach ulcers because it contains mucilage which helps protect the digestive mucosa.
Okra is quite a nutritious vegetable which promotes cicatrization of various ulcers. It is recommended to be consumed with the viscous juice produced during the period of cooking.
The polyunsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils inhibit the proliferation of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria which is seen as one of the primary causal factors in stomach ulcers (gastritis and ulcers).
The oils have to be used as replacement for animal-based fats like butter. The intake of the oils must be controlled so as to not exceed the acceptable daily intake of the total fat.
All cabbage types exercise their cauterizing and anti-inflammatory effects and actions on the stomach lining or gastric mucosa.

Their actions and functions are quite effective regardless of how or the method used to prepare them, whether fresh juice, raw, tender, fermented etc).
Some of them in the cabbage family are cauliflower, broccoli, radish and they are all recommended in cases of stomach ulcers or grastro-duodenal ulcer.

Potatoes are known antacid with soothing and sedating properties. Thus, as one of the foods for stomach ulcers, they are indicated as one of the basic foods in cases of stomach ulcers.
It is important to avoid fried potatoes and other varieties prepared with fats.
However, pureed or boiled potatoes provide all their healing power.
Potatoes are quite nutritious and again, potato juice is richer in terms of antacid and gastric sedative properties.
One of the benefits of consuming Cherimoya is its ability to neutralize excess acid. The soft fleshy pulp protects the mucosa of the stomach and this aids in the healing of stomach ulcers. To get more details regarding Cherimoya, check here.

According to Dr. George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D, in his book “Encyclopedia of Foods and their healing power“, he said, there’s consistent epidemiological evidence that a diet that’s low in fiber and highly rich in refined product such as pasta, pastries, white bread, baked foods etc increase the risk of stomach ulcers.
However, fiber is found in plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes etc and it is noteworthy that regular intake of these foods mentioned above help protect against stomach ulcers.
Foods rich in Vitamin A
Foods rich in vitamin A are among the foods for stomach ulcers because they help promote and maintain the condition of the body’s mucosa. And this is needed in the healing process. Some of the foods rich in vitamin A include: carrots, mango and green leafy vegetables.
These foods are the ideal sources of provitamin A which is later converted to vitamin A as needed.
Vitamin C Foods
Fruits rich in vitamin C include: acerola, currant, guava and kiwi and the deficiency of this vitamin puts one at the risk of various types of ulcers and hemorrhages.
The fruits mentioned above are well tolerated during the acute phase of an ulcer and they are quite richer in vitamin C than other citrus fruits. The richest in vitamin C among vegetables is the sweet red pepper.

Honey as one of the foods for stomach ulcers has a wonderful healing effect on stomach ulcers. It has positive effects on grastro-duodenal ulcers.
In essence, honey contains antibiotic substances that have the ability to fight certain germs like Helicobacter pylori bacteria that can cause ulcers and gastritis.
This is the semolina prepared from the cassava tuber. It is quite rich in mucilage which helps to protect the interior of digestive tract.
Tapioca and potatoes are some of the best foods for stomach ulcers. They promote healing and also stop the recurrence.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.