Foods that prevent cancer

Foods to Eat for Celiac Disease

Why MUST One Know The Foods That Prevent Cancer?

To know foods that prevent cancer, one has to take into cognizance the importance plant based foods offer. There’s always an association between diet we choose for ourselves and cancer. Some diet cause or promote cancer while there are foods that prevent cancer.

Throughout the entire universe, so much efforts have been put in place to find out the casual factors of cancer and how to prevent it. In my other, where I made a detail post on foods that promote cancer, you would find out that most of the causal factors are foods we eat on daily.

However, right here you are going to find out about foods that prevent cancer and that’s the essence of this post.

Cancer and foods
Cancer Image

Furthermore, in order to prevent or fight cancer, or better still reduce the risk, there are certain foods we need to avoid. Foods such as meat that are cured (i.e cured meat), that foods that offer excess calories from protein, such as eggs, fish, milk or meat.

When we want to prevent cancer by all means, prevention of cancer requires significant increase in provitamin A, fiber, phytochemical elements. This is because all these foods, experimentally and epidemiologicall have shown to be quite anticarcinogenic and are found in plant-based foods.

In essence, foods that prevent cancer instead of promoting it are precisely the effects of nuts, fruits, grains, vegetables and legumes.

Therefore, anticarcinogenic foods should not be neglected because they help prevent cancer and their effects are quite medicinal in some other perspectives.

Before we get to into the main discussion, we have to know that there are certain foods that can promote cancer and the earlier we get to know how to avoid these foods the better. Diet is one of the most cancer causing factors especially in developed countries.

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I would suggest you visit this post to read about the foods that we need to avoid at all cost in order to prevent cancer and stay healthy.

The following are some foods that seem anticarcinogenic and also help for cancer prevention. These are foods or substances are capable of neutralizing the action of carcinogens thereby slow down or prevent cancer development.

It is noteworthy that virtually all anticarcinogenic foods are plant based.

Fruits help prevent cancer

When fruits are combined with vegetables, they happen to be the most effective anticarcinogenic food. Studies have shown throughout the world that adequate consumption of fruit prevent most of the cancer that are ravaging and affecting humans today.

Fresh fruits are highly rich in phytochemicals and antioxidant vitamins. This makes them possess the ability to neutralize carcinogenic substances which enter the body and they are the foods that seem most effective in preventing cancer.

Plums and Apples 

Pineapples stops stomach cancer Grapes particularly contain resveratrol in the skin which is also anticarcinogenic.

Cancer food

Blueberries and other aggregate fruits such as blackberry, strawberries, and currants are rich anthocynanins. They are powerful antioxidants that help prevent the effects of certain carcinogens thereby preventing cancer.

Acerolas, guavas and kiwis help prevent cancer and this is because they are rich in vitamin C.

Olive Oil

Olive oil
Bottle of Olive oil pouring in a glass bowl with olives and branch

When you substitute olive oil for other dietary fats, the olive oil intake reduces and helps prevent cancer. Olive oil is anticarcinogenic and highly rich in monoun-saturated fatty acids.

Whole Grains

According to, the presence of fiber in whole grains foster the movement via bowel. It keeps and eliminates carcinogenic substances which may be found in the digestive tract, removing them together with the feces.

Grains and whole-grain fiber found in bread help prevent stomach and colon cancer. This is carried out through the process of reducing the time some harmful substances may be in contact with digestive tract mucosa.

Phytates are contained in grains and they hep prevent cancer by acting as anticarcinogens and also bring down zinc and iron absorption.

Rye: This is one of the effective grains that help colon cancer.

Wheat germ: cellular degeneration process is brought down by the action of its antioxidants. This help prevent cancer.

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All vegetables help prevent cancer to a higher or lesser degree. Vegetable are rich in provitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidant phytochemicals. This makes quit anticarcinogenic.

Carrots: carrots have high beta-carotene concentration and with other fiber and carotenoids, it entails their proven anticarcinogenic effect. All the vegetables of the family that carrots belong help prevent cancer particularly tomatoes. I made a post about tomatoes, you can search for it on this page. Sweet peppers and eggplant are not left out.


All legume are foods that help prevent cancer because of they are highly rich in fiber and anticarcinogenic phytochemicals. When it comes to soy, there’s another post about soy on this site, you can read to get detailed explanation.

Soy fight cancer

Soy and certain derivatives such as tofu and soymilk produce various anticarcinogenic phytochemicals. Isoflavones are the most effective which are the vegetable hormone that avoid the effects of estrogen which is capable of promoting cancer.

They are good at fighting against breast and prostate cancer.


This kind of foods help prevent breast cancer and this is in contrast to milk. It contains lactic acid that brings about this protective effect.


Their anticarcinogenic effects are quite astronomical. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and radishes are well known for their cancer prevention effects.

More on Foods don not prevent cancer


Undercooked and uncured pork displays the lowest risk of cancer, however, it is has the disadvantage of housing pathogens and many more live parasites.

Hot Dogs

Studies at the school of Public Health at the University of North Carolina in USA  have shown that 234 cancer cases in children are associated with regular consumption of pork say one or more pork hot dogs in a week and at 210% higher risk of brain tumor.

Pregnant women who eat one or more hot dogs weekly expose their unborn babies to a 230% higher risk of tumor of the brain.

Pork and other products that are derived from it contains carcinogens such as heterocyclic amines and nitrosamines which come from the nitrates and nitrites which are mainly used to cure the meat.

Pork consumption together with alcoholic wine and some other alcoholic beverages will have a tremendous increase for the rate at which cancer is caused.



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