Foods to stop or overcome Diarrhea
Foods to stop diarrhea are highly recommended and it important to know these foods so as to stop the symptoms and also help alleviate this problem. Diarrhea that is somewhat occasional in occurrence is common and sometimes normal because in a couple of days, it will disappear.
This may be as a result of food one must have eaten or as a result of an infection especially in digestive tract. However, whichever one it is, one should not hesitate to tackle it. It is important to pay every necessary attention to health.
This may happen once or twice a year. If diarrhea occurrence appears somewhat unusual, you should see a doctor. Diarrhea occurrence triggers dehydration and this is not good for the body system.

There are some certain food combinations that seem to trigger diarrhea and we must learn to stop health issues relating to this one, and we should also learn to eat what our body accepts in order to avoid certain ailments.
Therefore, there are some foods to stop diarrhea. These foods help reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and there are also some other foods to avoid when dealing with diarrhea.
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What is Diarrhea?
According to healthline, Diarrhea is the movement of bowel or expulsion of feces which is overly soft or the bowel movement of liquid feces way too frequent than usual. When this happens, the resultant effect of water loss in the body and also the loss of mineral salts is inevitable.
Dehydration is not good for the body and as a matter of fact, sensitivity to fluid imbalance occurs mostly in children and in older folks. Again, individuals with crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome are expected to be experiencing diarrhea much more frequently.
Studies have it that diarrhea has been linked to other digestive symptoms such as:
- Nausea
- Fever
- Feeling in the intestines that seems bubbly
- Cramps
- Vomiting
- An urgent need to expel feces.
When diarrhea cases seem severe, only fluid like water and some other fluid are recommended for intake for 24 – 48 hours. The following fluids should be considered for consumption in order to help the individual suffering with diarrhea.
- Vegetable broth: this is actually is rich in mineral salts
- Lemon juice that is diluted
- Oral rehydration serum: This can be prepared by mixing four (4) tablespoons of sugar and one tablespoon of salt in one liter of water.
- Soymilk or infant formulas
- Teas made from medicinal plants; these teas are quite astringent in effects.
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Causes of diarrhea
Certain causes of diarrhea may include the following; however, all causes of diarrhea should be diagnosed.
- Gastric infections
- Food allergies
- Food toxins
- Food intolerance
Heeding to specific treatment, recommended foods to be given should be anti-inflammatory and astringent sorts of foods.
Individuals with diarrhea can dwell on bland foods which may help in dealing with diarrhea especially on the initials phase. They include:
- Applesauce
- White rice
- Bread
- Hot cereals such as cream of wheat, oatmeal or rice porridge
Some of the bland foods will be discussed here to get more of their healing properties.
People with diarrhea should drink more water to alleviate dehydration and also liquids that contain electrolytes and minerals to replenish the lost ones. They include:
- Sport drinks
- Coconut water
- Soup broth
- Electrolyte water
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Other foods to avoid are:
- Garlic and onion
- Packaged foods
- Foods that can produce too much gas in the intestine such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage
- Citrus fruits
- Raw vegetables
- Fatty meals and
- Diary products
Purposes and effects of foods and nutrients to stop diarrhea
Below are the purposes and effects of foods and nutrients to stop diarrhea.
Cow’s milk can be substituted or be replaced by soymilk because soymilk is quite useful, particularly in infant diet. Cow’s milk may cause allergy to milk proteins and may result to malnutrition and diarrhea that may be persistent.
Therefore, soymilk is recommended in cases of diarrhea or any other intestinal disorders which may be caused by lactose intolerance. Soymilk does not contain lactose.
Tiger Nut
Tiger nut is highly nutritious and holds various enzymes that foster fats and carbohydrates digestion. In essence, this gets intestinal enzymes replaced because their production is reduced when gastroenteritis cases arise. Drinking tiger nut as horchata is seemingly common.
Almond Milk
This also can replace cow’s milk and it’s a nutritious beverage. When symptoms such as diarrhea or loose stool arise, especially in infants, almond milk is an ideal food to counter loose stool or diarrhea. This is because almond milk is tolerated in the intestine than cow’s milk. Almond milk also prevents diarrhea.

I made a detailed post on persimmon and as one of the foods to stop diarrhea, it contains a significant amount of tannins that proffers its astringent effects, in particular when it is still unripe.
Persimmon is also rich in mucilage and this facilitates in protecting and soothing the gastric musosa. This also helps in combating diarrhea and also restores intestinal mucosa that may have been inflamed.

Apple boasts great healing power due to its components having a well balanced proportion. Apple holds emollient and detoxifying pectin, it exerts astringent tannins actions and it is quite antiseptic with organic acids.
All of these help fight against intestinal disorders. It is capable of preventing or stopping diarrhea when consumed alone.
Quince is anti-inflammatory, dries the mucosa due to its astringent property that is quite effective for the digestive tract. It is therefore recommended as one of the foods to stop diarrhea.
This food is also included as one of the foods to stop diarrhea and it is quite astringent and anti-inflammatory right inside the digestive tract. For infectious diarrhea cases, they are highly recommended. Infectious diarrhea may be caused by colitis or gastroenteritis.

This is one of the foods to stop diarrhea. I also made a detailed post on it just as I made on persimmon and soymilk. This food helps in regulating movement in the intestine.
They are astringent and good at providing vitamins and mineral salts. After severe diarrhea case, this food may be considered as one of the solid foods to stop diarrhea entirely.
Carrots are quite rich in pectin and also absorb intestinal toxins thereby protecting mucosa. With their beta-carotene content, they facilitate or promote the health of its cells. They are good and as one of the foods to stop diarrhea, they help put back in place the intestinal function.
Banana effects or actions are actually mild or gentle to the intestinal mucosa. Banana is highly rich in potassium and this is a mineral that is lost in various cases of diarrhea.
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This food is also among the foods to stop diarrhea. They are emollient and proffer the protection of the intestinal mucosa. Also exert various antiseptic effects against certain pathogens. Therefore, it is recommended for infectious diarrhea especially when it is consumed ripe.
They are rich in tannins and this makes them a good intestinal astringent. This property of the sapote helps to stop diarrhea. They provide vitamin C and minerals. Sapote also makes available energy which comes in form of carbohydrates.
Rice is one of the grains that is well tolerated by the digestive system due to its gluten lack. Rice also facilitates proper digestive function.
On the list of all the antiseptic and astringent foods, bilberries in cases of diarrhea are quite useful especially those caused by intestinal flora imbalance.

As one of the highly nutritious grains that make available soluble fiber which protects the intestines, it also promotes the healthy function and promotes the regulation of intestinal movement.
This is useful for both diarrhea and constipation as well. It is best to consume it as oatmeal.
Because of their mild astringent effect, they also help in regulating movement in the intestine. Chestnut is a good source of B group vitamins, carbohydrates and also potassium.
It is also recommended as one of the foods to stop diarrhea. A nutritious flour, highly rich in mucilage. It brings down inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, soothes and contributes to the regulation of the intestinal mucosa, in cases of diarrhea. To take advantage of its effective properties, consume when cooked with vegetable broth. To get handful information on chestnut, read here.
This is one of the vegetables recommended as one of the foods to stop diarrhea. They are rich in emollient mucilage which helps in protecting the intestinal mucosa. In cases of diarrhea caused by intestinal inflammation or colitis, okra is highly recommended.
This is a legume type of food whose pulp is quite rich in astringent tannins and carbohydrates. Carob can make available flour which is suitable for cereal meal.
It is noteworthy that yogurt fosters increase in resistance to infections especially those of the digestive tract. With yogurt, we can alleviate gastrointestinal infections.
Amongst the foods to avoid with diarrhea, the following are not recommended for consumption
Fruit juices
Due to their laxative effects, they can aggravate diarrhea. Apple juice and other industrial processed juices are capable of causing diarrhea.
Eating shellfish on the regular has been one of the frequent causes of intestinal infections. Others that should be avoided are: oysters, clams, mussels etc. These foods are difficult to digest and can trigger gastrointestinal inflammation.
Eggs also carry bacteria which cause gastroenteritis. This is often transmitted via mayonnaise because it is usually made with raw eggs. In cases of gastroenteritis, eggs and other egg products should be avoided. It is therefore recommended that boiled eggs may be eaten once the case is no longer severe.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.