Some amazing ginkgo health benefits
As one of the plants for the arteries, ginkgo health benefits are quite enormous; of which easing circulatory disorders is chief.
Ginkgo biloba is one of the herbs used in treating dementia, memory loss, premenstrual syndrome, altitude sickness (prevention), cerebral vascular insufficiency, glaucoma or macular degeneration and other cognitive disorders.
By the way, I made a post on some breakfasts that help lower cholesterol and I’m sure it will help individuals who are obese or those who want to prevent or control their LDL cholesterol levels.

For over 4000 years, Chinese medicine has been using ginkgo poultices to fight against annoying and disturbing chilblains.
Some beneficial properties of ginkgo biloba have been the focus of numerous scientific researches and as a matter of fact, it is found in several pharmaceutical preparations.
Properties of Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba belongs to the Ginkgoaceae family and it grows up to 30 meters high. The plant is somewhat dioic (having different female and male plants).
The medicinal plant has deciduous, thick and elastic leaves. The fruit of the plant is a yellow berry that’s edible especially when fresh and quite nauseating when it is too ripe. The parts to use for medicinal purposes are the leaves.
According to several researches conducted, it is said that the leaves of this medicinal plant contain flavonoid glycosides, luteoline, chertcitine, resins, essential oil, lipids, catechines and several substances of the terpenic group that are quite inherent in ginkgo (ginkgolids A, B and C, and bilobalid).
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As it has been in phytotherapy, ginkgo health benefits and its medicinal properties are brought about the actions of all its compounds.
This means that the effects of this plant cannot be attributed to any component, specifically.
The primary function of this plant, the essence of ginkgo health benefits is the activities carried out on the entire circulatory system which proffer the following
- Arterial improvement
- Capillary and venous blood circulation.
Indications regarding ginkgo health benefits
As stated above, medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba is brought about by the actions of all the components which are indicated below. The following are the primary functions of ginkgo. They are:
- Venous stimulation
- Capillary protection action
- Vasodilating action against arteriosclerosis
Venous stimulation
With the use of this medicinal plant, one will experience the ginkgo health benefits because this function helps to strengthen the walls of veins, decreasing blood accumulation in them and thereby easing blood return.
Vasodilating action
This function shows another ginkgo health benefit as it increases blood flow, decreases peripheral resistance in small arteries. In essence, it counteracts the disorders of arteriosclerosis.
Capillary protection action
One of the ginkgo health benefits is its function in diminishing blood vessels permeability, thereby reducing edema which has to do with liquid accumulation in the tissues.
Ginkgo health benefits are quite massive and this plant is quite helpful in the following cases:
- Vascular brain accidents
- Cerebral blood insufficiency
- Angiopathy
- Arteriopathy in the legs
- Varicose veins.
Indications below
The following are the indications
Vascular brain accidents
For thrombosis, embolism etc, an infusion with 40 – 60 grams of the leaves per liter of water can be used for about three times a day (3 cups). It helps to accelerate recuperation and fosters patient’s mobility.
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Cerebral blood insufficiency
This is the lack of blood flow into the brain and can be manifested through ringing in the ears, cephalalgia, vertigo, loss of balance, somnolence, disorders of the memory and other symptoms.
The use of this herb has an action of clearing the head.
This involves blood vessel disorders and vaso-motor disorders. Below you will get to know how to prepare and use ginkgo biloba because both the internal and external uses are recommended in the following cases:
- Chilblains
- Blood vessel weakness
- Reynaud’s syndrome
- Numbness in the hand and feet
Arteriopathy in the legs
In cases of blood loss in the legs, the use of this herb proffers amazing ginkgo health benefits because it allows the individuals involved to walk longer distances without experiencing of suffering pain.
Varicose veins

Ginkgo biloba is quite helpful in cases of phlebitis, malleolar edema (i. e swollen ankles), varicose veins and other related ailments.
Both internal and external uses are applicable to these cases.
In essence, to get the ginkgo health benefits, especially in cases of circulatory afflictions of the arms and legs, it is highly recommended that external applications in compresses, poultices, hand and foot baths is combined with the oral intake.
According to Dr. George D. Pamplona-Roger, in his book “healthy plants”, it states that ginkgo biloba is well tolerated and does seem to give undesirable side effects. It does not raise blood pressure.
Preparation and Use
Internal use
- Infusion with about 50 – 60 grams of ginkgo leaves per liter of water. Drink up to three (3) cups on a daily.
External Use
- Poultices of mashed ginkgo leaves, to be applied on the affected part.
- Compresses with the same infusion as above but somewhat concentrated (up to 100 grams per liter). To be applied on the hand and feet having circulatory disorders.
- Baths: Hand and foot baths with an infusion of up to 90 – 120 grams of the leaves per liter of water. Apply warm, two times a day.
Like I said earlier, take advantage of this herbal plant, the most of ginkgo health benefits by combining both the external applications and the oral intakes.
According to webmd, it is quite effective against anxiety, stroke, schizophrenia and other diseases such as Alzheimer disease.
In conclusion, hand baths are highly effective against chilblains because baths with an infusion of ginkgo biloba leaves improves blood circulation in the arms and legs.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.