Leeks Benefits

Leeks Benefits

Amazing Leeks Benefits             

When I found out that this vegetable (herbaceous plant) eliminates uric acid, I thought it wise to write on leeks benefits. As one of the plants for musculoskeletal system, it shares many similarities with garlic and onion.

Leeks are quite different from onions in that they don’t develop bulbs but good at developing much more stalk. Again, leeks share similarities with garlic because they belong to the same botanical family.

Since it shares the same properties with garlic, it is evident that combating bronchitis and other respiratory infections are some of the leeks benefits.

Leeks Benefits
Leeks growing in a farm

This plant has some antibiotic effects and quite capable of stimulating the immune system.

In this post just like others, I will outline some of the nutritional value, the purpose and effects this awesome food to the overall health.

Other names:       Poor man’s asparagus

Related species:   Allium ampeloprasum

French:       Poireau

Spanish:     Puerro, ajo Puerto

German:    Porree

Leeks stalks (‘Allium porrum’ L.) is a herbaceous plant of the botanical family Liliacea. Leeks are native to Mediterranean regions of the Southern Europe and the Near East. Today leeks are grown throughout Europe.

Leeks properties

Leeks properties and composition is likely the same as that of the onion. However, studies find that it contains more carbohydrates (about 12.3%), more minerals and even more folic acid (64.1 μg per 100 grams).

Leeks Benefits
fresh leek on a white background

Among the minerals in leeks, calcium is the most notable (59 mg / 100 grams), magnesium 28 mg per 100 grams) and iron (2.1 mg / 100 grams).

It said that half a kilo of leeks provides the 10 mg of iron needed by an adult for a day and also one-third of the daily need for calcium. However, vitamins in leeks are somewhat negligible.



Leeks Composition

Energy                  =                 61.0 kcal = 255 kj

Carbohydrates     =                 12.4 g

Protein                 =                 1.50 g

Fiber                     =                 1.80 g

Vitamin A            =                 10.0 μg RE

Vitamin B1                   =                 0.060 mg

Vitamin B2           =                 0.030 mg

Niacin                   =                 0.600 mg NE

Vitamin B6           =                 0.233 mg

Folate                   =                 64.1 μg

Vitamin B12          =                 ___

Vitamin C            =                 12.0 mg

Vitamin E             =                 0.920 mg ∝-TE

Calcium                =                 59.0 mg

Phosphorus         =                 35.0 mg

Iron                      =                 2.10 mg

Magnesium         =                 28.0 mg

Potassium            =                 180 mg

Zinc                      =                 0.120 mg

Total Fat              =                 0.300 g

Saturated Fat       =                 0.040 g

Sodium                 =                 20.0 mg

Cholesterol           =                 __

This is based on % Daily Value (based on 2,000 calorie diet) made available by 100 grams of leeks


Percentage composition

Fiber                     =                 1.80%

Carbohydrates     =                 12.4%

Minerals               =                 1.05%

Fat                        =                 0.300%

Protein                 =                 1.50%

Water                   =                 83.0%

Indications Regarding Leeks Benefits

The essential oil obtained in leeks is quite similar to the one found in onion, however, in lower concentration. Leeks benefits are quite enormous in that they are rich in compounds like calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium and iron.

The fact that leeks are fat-free is another advantage especially for those wishing to lose weight. As a well-known vegetable, they have been in use for hundreds of years and the incredible properties they possess make them a preferable ingredient for anybody who loves to adhere to a healthy diet.

Leeks benefits include the following:

  1. They are good for the health of nervous system
  2. Help in treating type 2 diabetes
  3. Good for the bones
  4. They give protection against sunburn.
  5. Improve the immune system strength
  6. Leeks protect the health of the heart
  7. Help in lowering blood pressure
  8. Diminish cancer risk
  9. Improve the vision, reduce cataract risk
  10. Recommended for weight loss

The indications are as follows:

  1. Uratic arthritis
  2. Constipation
  3. Bronchitis and sinusitis

Uratic arthritis

Uric acid is produced on a daily as a residue of protein metabolism and it is eliminated the urine. When uric acid is produced in excess, it goes to the joints thereby causing inflammation and arthritis.

It is worthy to note that leeks’ alkalizing and diuretic effects help increase urinary elimination of uric acid, and this is one of the leeks benefits. For individuals suffering from arthritis, kidney and gout disorders.

Bronchitis and sinusitis

As a result of their mucolytic effect and antiseptic properties of their essential oil.


Leeks benefits are seen in their laxative effects of their fiber. As a result, they tend to produce intestinal flatulence.

Preparation and Use

  1. Raw: They may be consumed raw when they are tender and young. They maybe eaten raw in salads, just as are onion.
  2. Steamed or boiled: Made with oil and lemon
  3. Cooked: Leeks go well with potatoes and eggs.

As stated earlier, leeks are enriched with vitamin A which is needed in order to maintain the immune system.

The presence of this compound helps to reduce inflammation and also fight against infections. Remember that leeks are quite similar to garlic.

Above, I stated that leeks help the health of the nervous system. This is because the vegetable is found to diminish fatigue and the presence of vitamin C, high levels of manganese and folate help keep and maintain steady focus.


Combating free radicals is also among the leeks benefits because there is a high level of vitamin C and several active antioxidants which help improve vision and reduce stress or tiredness.

As in cases of cataracts, there are compounds in leeks called zeaxanthin and lutein. These compounds protect against cataracts.

Again, since leeks are a great source of fibers, they are capable of cleansing the bowels and also support its movements.

The fibers in leeks are both insoluble and soluble. As a matter of fact, one maintains regular digestion process while the other promotes bowels movements.

Leeks like other vegetables such as celery, asparagus, beets, are quite good at having diuretic properties. Since they are low in sodium, they tend to facilitate water expulsion and extra sodium found in the body system.

Among leeks benefits is their ability to promote bone health. This is due to their high levels of vitamin K. It is recommended that we make leeks or introduce them in our diet in order to help fight against osteoporosis.


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