Some Natural Remedies for Drug Detox
Natural remedies for drug detox are some of the methods employed in order to cleanse the body of drugs or other similar thing such as alcohol. Drug detox treatment is one of the first step taken so as to overcome a drug use disorder.
The use of drug is capable of damaging the brain of the person using it and it will also make it hard for the brain to function as expected even without the use of the substance.

As a matter fact, natural remedies for drug detox are some of the ways or processes where an individual is weaned off of a drug or substance in order to have them absent in their system.
Natural remedies for drug detox is/are said to be a kind of program that aids individuals who wish to overcome their drug or substance use disorder, effectively and quite safe.
Some Drugs that Cause Withdrawal
Several substances can alter the brain and the way many persons feel and these substances can be quite addictive especially when they are used in excess.
Another fact is that, these substances can make individuals rely on them to feel good or normal. However, to put a stop to their use can cause withdrawal and the following are some of the drugs that can cause withdrawal symptoms. They include:
- Alcohol
- Opioids
- Benzodiazepines
- Stimulants
- Sleeping tablets or sleeping medication
Medical Detox: This type of drug detox keeps the person at a facility and therefore monitored for withdrawal symptoms
Drug Tapering: When an individual gradually uses the less of the drug or substance over time, often under medical supervision of a professional
At home Detox: The process involves staying at home to go through the detox process
Cold Turkey: The one is when an individual stops using the drug or substance abruptly.
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In this article, I will be discussing some natural remedies for drug detox. However, let’s take a look at the symptoms and causes.
Symptoms: The symptoms include:
- Frequent mode swing
- Inattentiveness
- Reduced or decreased desire to work
- Loss of appetite
- Extreme drowsiness
- Restlessness
Long use of the drug may result in destruction of cells or damaged cells, liver, kidney, chromosomes and respiratory organs. It could pose a real danger such as cancer or male sterility.
Withdrawal symptoms include the following:
- Insomnia
- Headache
- Hot and cold flashes
- Deep depression
- Sweating
- Diarrhea
- Disorientation, irrational thinking among others.

Medicinal drugs or some legal drugs can be obtained at a drug store or pharmacy and there are some illegal ones called hard drugs or street drugs such as narcotics, barbiturates, hallucinogens and stimulants.
However, in every example, drugs are dangerous and quite toxic. As a matter of fact, people often get themselves engaged with drugs, thinking they are harmless, beneficial and quite enjoyable but that’s not what it seems.
As a result of frequent intake of these drugs, the dose is increase so as to obtain the same pleasant effect but the body system is gradually damaged in the process.
Natural Remedies for Drug Detox
It is important to withdraw from the drug and it must be done. However, when an individual is highly dependent on a substance of drug, it is advised that the dose be reduced over a period of four weeks.
As for hard drugs, the withdrawal must be gradual and monitored by a professional
Nutritional foods are recommended with frequent intake of vitamins and mineral supplementation. The most important of the vitamins are vitamins C and B complex. Involved persons should drink a lot of water and also get good rest.
It is important to take a sweat bath so as to get rid of poisons.

One of the herbs to use in this aspect is the valerian root which has a calming effect. You can combine it with Siberian ginseng and amino acid, tyrosine. These are some of the natural remedies for drug detox.
The use of St. John’s wort is helpful as it helps reduce depression especially at the time of withdrawal.
For Opium, cocaine and other related additive habits, use the following water therapy
Get steam baths twice a day for three days before embarking on withdrawal. Get rest and continue vigorous cold bath applications. As you are withdrawing the drugs, the symptoms may be combated successfully with the following water therapies.
For nervousness, restlessness and sensational that are indescribable: have a prolonged neutral bath at 920 – 940 F at least for 10 minutes.
For Diarrhea: Hot enema after movement. Apply cold compresses over abdomen, to be changed every 30 minutes.
Vomiting: Ice bag, hot and cold truck pack over the stomach and spine, hot leg pack
Insomnia especially withdrawal: Prolonged neutral bath, 20 – 30 minutes. Heating leg pack, cold ice cap
For Cardiac weakness: Cold compresses or Ice bag over heart, according to natural remedies encyclopedia, alternate applications (hot and then cold) to the spine.
Pain: Compress that alternate hot and cold.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.