Sprouts Salad Recipe

Sprouts Salad Recipe

How to Prepare Sprout Salad Recipe

In this article on how to prepare sprouts salad recipe, understand that consuming sprout alfalfa and radish for example provides a range of health benefits due to the nutrient-rich ingredients it contains.

Here are some of the benefits:

Rich Nutrients: Sprouts are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin K, various B vitamins, etc.), minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, etc.), and fiber.

These nutrients are essential for overall health and well-being.

Digestive Health: Sprouts are easy to digest and promote healthy digestion. The fiber in sprouts supports regular bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Weight management: The fiber in sprouts helps keep you feeling full and satisfied, reduces your overall calorie intake, and may help with weight management.

Antioxidant properties: Sprouts contain antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Improving Heart Health: Potassium and fiber in sprouts may contribute to heart health.

Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, and fiber helps lower cholesterol.

Blood sugar control: Some studies suggest that sprouts may have a positive impact on blood sugar levels due to their fiber content and potential ability to improve insulin sensitivity.

Rich in protein: Sprouts Salads are a great source of plant-based protein and are a great option for vegetarians and vegans.

Protein is essential for muscle health and overall body function.

Hydration: Sprouts contain a lot of water, so they can help you stay hydrated, especially when taken with other hydrating vegetables such as cucumber.

Low calorie: Sprouts are low in calories, making them a healthy and filling option for those looking to control their calorie intake.

Versatility: You can customize your sprout salad with a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and dressings to suit your taste and nutritional preferences.

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This versatility allows you to enjoy a wide range of flavors and textures.

Detoxification: Some proponents of sprout consumption claim that sprouts support the body’s natural detoxification process.

Sprouts Salad Recipe
Macro photo of healthy fresh homegrown Alfalfa or Lucerne Medicago sativa sprouts in white bowl, back light. Used for for garnish or salad.

More research is needed in this area, but there is no doubt that sprouts are a nutrient-dense addition to a balanced diet.

Digestive enzyme: Sprouts contain natural enzymes that help digest other foods and can help ease indigestion.

It’s important to note that although sprouts are packed with nutrients, they should be handled and cooked carefully to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. If you’re concerned about safety, consider washing well and blanching or boiling.

Overall, adding sprout alfalfa and radish to your diet is a delicious and healthy way to increase absorption of essential nutrients and promote overall wellness.

Nutritional Value (per serving)

Energy                =                 183 kcal = 765 kj

Protein                 =                 5.67 g

Carbohydrates   =                 36.2 g

Fiber                              =                 5.14 g

Total Fat              =                 0.805 g

Saturated Fat     =                 0.137 g

Cholesterol         =                 _

Sodium                =                 17.6 mg

% Daily Value provided by each serving of this dish (according to encyclopedia of foods and healthy recipes) 

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INGREDIENTS (4 servings)

  • 4 tablespoons of alfalfa and radish sprouts (germinated)
  • 800 g (= 28 oz) of potatoes
  • 1 sweet red pepper
  • 150 g (= 5.3 oz) of tender sweet Corn
  • l or 2 cloves of garlic

ADDITIONAL INGREDIENTS for sprouts salad recipe

  • ½ Lemon (juice)
  • Sugar (a pinch)
  • 6 tablespoons of sunflower seed oil (each tablespoon of oil adds around 120 kcal to the recipe, that is, 30 kcal per serving)
  • Sea salt


  1. Remove the seeds from the sweet pepper, wash, and chop.
  • Mash the garlic with the salt in a mortar. Mix the mashed garlic and salt with the oil, the juice of the lemon, and the sugar.
  • Wash the potatoes well.
  1. Boil the potatoes with their skins.
  • Let cool. Once cooled, peel and chop the potatoes.
  • Add the sweet corn and the pepper.
  • Add the dressing and allow the salad to set so that the vegetables can soak up the flavor.
  • Add the sprouts just before serving.

Another method for Sprouts Salad Recipe

Here are the steps to prepare a delicious sprout salad with a human touch for you

Step 1: Gather the ingredients

Let’s start by putting all the good things together.

You’ll need sprouted beans (such as green beans and lentils), vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, and peppers are great), fresh herbs (coriander and mint), lemon juice, salt, and a little olive oil.

It’s like inviting all your favorite flavors to a party.

Step 2: Wash out the sprouts

Remove the sprouted beans and wash well with cold water.

This will wash away excess starch and keep it delicious and fresh.

Step 3: Chop & dice

While the bean sprouts are preparing, cut the vegetables into small bite size pieces.

You can be creative here and add your favorite veggies.

It’s like preparing a salad side dish.

Step 4: Shuffle & Toss

In a large bowl, combine washed sprouts and chopped vegetables.

It’s like bringing on stage all the ingredients for a perfect salad performance.

Step 5: Add freshness

Sprinkle the top with chopped fresh herbs (coriander or mint).

These herbs add freshness and color to salads.

It’s like adding a touch of magic!

Step 6: Squeeze the citrus

Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the salad.

This provides a tangy, savory kick that brings all the flavors to life.

It’s like giving the salad a little alarm bell.

Step 7: Sprinkle love

A drizzle of olive oil adds richness to the dish and brings all the ingredients together.

Think of it as the finishing touch that holds everything together in a salad.

Step 8: Please note the season

Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the top if desired.

Be careful with salt. You can always add more later if you want.

Step 9: Mix and marinate

Gently mix all ingredients to make sure everything is covered in lemon flavor. Then leave the salad for about 10-15 minutes.

This allows the flavors to mix and develop.

Step 10: Try and adjust

Taste sprout salad before serving and adjust seasonings as needed.

You can add a little more lemon juice, olive oil and salt if you like.

Step 11: Offer and enjoy

The sprout salad is complete!

Whether served as a refreshing side dish or a light snack, enjoy freshly prepared, bright, crunchy, flavorful treats.

The advantage of sprout salad is that you can customize it to your liking by adding or removing ingredients according to your taste.

Enjoy fresh and healthy creations.



Regarding sprouts salad recipe, all raw salads have an invigorating effect on the stomach and the digestion. For this reason we recommend that you always begin the meal with a salad.

This salad of sprouts and potatoes combines the digestive properties of germinated sprouts and other vegetables with those of the potato. It is especially beneficial for:

  • The stomach, since the enzymes found in the sprouts help the digestion and prevent flatulence and a bloated feeling in the stomach. The potato also soothes and protects the stomach lining.
  • The arteries and the heart, because this dish is rich in antioxidant vitamins that prevent arteriosclerosis.

Sprouts salad recipe contains little fat or cholesterol. Sunflower seed oil, recommended to dress the salad, is one of the healthiest oils for the heart along with olive oil.

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