Amazing Tamarind Medicinal Uses
It is quite imperative to utilise tamarind medicinal uses if really you understand why a tangy concoction of tamarind is a must-have in your diet.
Tamarind is enriched with potassium and vitamins B, C, carotenes and magnesium.
One of the amazing tamarind medicinal uses is that it helps boost our immune system and benefits our health in various significant ways.
Some other names):
Other Name(s): Imlee, Tamarin, Tamarindo, Tamarinier, Imli, Tamarinier, Tamarindus indicaTa
Tamarind tree is a type of tree. Its partially dried fruit is used in making medicines. It is an evergreen tree of the Leguminoseae family.
It grows up to 25 m high. Its fruits are hanging pods, 15cm – 20cm long, with its interior having a yellow flesh covering on the seeds. The flesh of the fruit and the leaves are parts used for medicinal purposes.
In Caribbean and Central American countries, it is quite common to find soft drinks based on tamarind flesh. It has a sweet and sour flavour at the same time.
Properties and Indications
The flesh that covers the seeds of the tamarind is rich in sugar (60% – 65%) and organic acids (citric, tartaric and malic). It also contains pectin.
The medicinal applications of the flesh are as follows:
- Mild choleretic and cholagogue: it is important in cases of liver disorders and it is recommend for gall bladder disorders too. This is because it can relieve liver congestion and facilitate the emptying of the gallbladder
- Mild laxative: Because of the pectin and sugars it contains, it is seen as mild laxative. It is usually linked with tinnevelly senna so as to enhance its action. It helps to produce soft defecation with no colic.
- Refreshing and invigorating: The use of tamarind is recommended for febrile afflictions and during sports training.
- The leaves of tamarind have vermifuge and anthelmintic properties, that is, they destroy intestinal parasites. They also have astringent properties.
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Tamarind Medicinal Uses
People use tamarind to treat constipation, liver and gallbladder problems, and stomach disorders. It is also used I’m treating colds and fevers. Women use tamarind to treat pregnancy-related nausea. It can also be given to children to treat intestinal worms.
Sometimes, a thick paste of tamarind seeds is used as a poultice for broken bones.
Tamarind seed extract is used in eye drops for dry eyes. This is one of the tamarind medicinal uses.
In foods and beverages, tamarind is used as a flavoring. It is also widely used in Asian cuisine for chutneys and curries.
How it works?

Regarding tamarind medicinal uses, tamarind contains components that may have a laxative effect and some activity against certain fungi and bacteria.
Researchers are currently studying tamarind as a treatment for dry eyes because it contains a chemical called mucin, similar to the mucus found in the eye. Mucin helps protect and wet the corneal surface.
Uses and Efficacy
There is insufficient evidence to rate the effectiveness of…
Dry eyes, but early research shows that eye drops containing tamarind seed extract might improve symptoms of dry eyes, constipation, colds, fever , liver and gallbladder problems, stomach disorders and pregnancy-related nausea, intestinal worms and other conditions.
Helps to lose weight
Tamarind is rich in fiber and contains no fat. Studies show that eating tamarind daily can actually help with weight loss because it contains flavonoids and polyphenols.
In addition, tamarind is high in hydroxycitric acid, which helps reduce your appetite by inhibiting amylase, an enzyme responsible for converting carbohydrates into fat.
Prevent peptic ulcer disease
Stomach ulcers can be very painful. Basically, these are sores that appear on the inner lining of the stomach and small intestine. Thanks to the polyphenolic compounds present in tamarind, this fruit can prevent these ulcers.
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Effectiveness in Diabetes Management
Tamarind seed extracts have anti-inflammatory properties and are even thought to stabilize blood sugar levels and reverse pancreatic tissue damage in people with diabetes. The enzyme alpha-amylase, which has been shown to lower blood sugar, is also found in tamarind.
Tamarind has been used since ancient times as a laxative due to its tartaric acid, malic acid and potassium content. Its ability to relax the abdominal muscles is why it is also used as a remedy for diarrhea. So, while the fruit is used to treat constipation, the leaves are used to treat diarrhea, and the roots and bark can be eaten to relieve colic.
Take care of your liver
Turns out tamarind can also take care of your liver. High-calorie diets lead to fatty liver disease, and studies show that consuming tamarind extracts daily can reverse this condition.
Boosts Immunity: From the juice, we can get various powerful antioxidants which are quite beneficial for optimal health. As it is, one of the tamarind medicinal uses is that, it may facilitate the immune system functions and also treat problems linked with flu, cold and weak immunity.
Antioxidants: Tamarind is packed with powerful antioxidants that help protect our body from free radicals which are quite hazardous. The antioxidants also help fight against premature aging.
Good for heart health: One of the of taking tamarind juice is because it has the potential to halt the oxidation process of cholesterol, which is capable of stopping cholesterol sticking to the walls of our arteries and blocking them with plaque. In essence, it may help lower the risk of coronary heart disease and high cholesterol levels in the blood.
Obesity: it is recommended for individuals suffering from obesity, since they want to lose weight and maintain their body weight. Tamarind juice is quite beneficial in terms of a healthy and balanced eating plan to facilitate the treatment of metabolic syndrome and weight loss.
Cancer: Since the juice is packed with antioxidants, it may potentially lower the risk of cancer development and facilitate or improve body’s immune system.
Anti-inflammatory: Several anti-inflammatory compounds are found in tamarind juice, which may be useful to soothe a sore throat. In essence, giggling with tamarind juice may help bring down the pain and soothe a sore throat. It can also be used on the joints to potentially soothe pain and inflammation.
For skin care: Another one among tamarind medicinal uses it its use on the skin. It is used for the health of the skin to prevent edema and treat burns. The juice can be applied to maintain a glowing skin.
It is capable of removing acne or scars that originated from chickenpox. The juice contains vitamins B, C, enzymes, alpha hydroxyl acids and also aids the removal of dead skin cells.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.