Avocado Juice Benefits

Avocado Juice Benefits

Avocado Juice Benefits for Health

Did you know that one of the avocado juice benefits is the fact that it’s quite appropriate for adolescents because of its nutritional benefits and anti-anemic effect?

As one of the foods for the arteries, it is recommended for lowering cholesterol and combating anemia, diabetes and various disorders such as circulatory, nervous and digestive disorders (including stomach ulcers). According to foodrevolution.org, they reduce the risk of heart diseases.

A lady who never had any knowledge regarding nutrition mentioned she had a clear idea that this food is an aphrodisiac which means that it is able to awaken sexual desire.

This must have been the reason that old Aztecs identified it as ahuacatl, meaning “testicle” in an indigenous Mexican language.

Avocado Tree
Avocado tree with the fruits

In essence, avocado is highly enriched with vitamin E, a vitamin quite advantageous for reproduction, and this also is one of the avocado juice benefits.

Other names are:          Persea gratissima Gaertn (scientific name)

Alligator pear, Zuttano, Fuerte

French:       Avocat

Spanish:     Aguacate, palta, avocado

German:    Avocado

Properties of Avocado and Indications

The following are avocado composition and several features. They are:

  1. Water
  2. Proteins
  3. Fats
  4. Vitamin E, B6
  5. Fiber
  6. Iron

Avocado Composition

Energy                  =                 161 kcal = 674 kj

Carbohydrates     =                 2.39 g

Protein                 =                 1.98 g

Fiber                     =                 5.00 g

Vitamin A            =                 61. 0 µg RE

Vitamin B1           =                 0.108 mg

Vitamin B2           =                 0.122 mg

Niacin                   =                 2.27 mg NE

Vitamin B6           =                 0.500 mg

Folate                   =                 61.9 µg

Vitamin B12          =                 ___

Vitamin C            =                 7.90 mg

Vitamin E             =                 2.30 mg α-TE

Calcium                =                 11.0 mg

Phosphorus         =                 41.0 mg

Iron                      =                 1.02 mg

Magnesium         =                 39.0 mg

Potassium            =                 599 mg

Zinc                      =                 0.420 mg

Total Fat              =                 15.3 g

Saturated Fat       =                 2.44 g

Cholesterol           =                 ___

Sodium                 =                 10.0 mg

This is based on % Daily Value made available by 100 grams of this fruit


Percentage composition

Fiber                     =                 5.00%

Carbohydrates     =                 2.39%

Fat                        =                 15.3%

Protein                 =                 1.98%

Minerals               =                 1.04%

Water                   =                 74.3%


Water: There is low proportion of water in avocado (74.2%). Avocado is a concentrated fruit with high nutritional capacity and caloric capacity. Both can reach about 200 kcal per 100 grams of edible portion of its varieties.

Avocado Juice Benefits
Avocado Fruit

Proteins: Regarding the avocado juice benefits; here, it offers great benefits as it is one of the most protein-rich of fresh fruits that can reach 2% of what they weigh.

As a matter fact, avocados contain all of the essential amino acids. However, their proportion is not somewhat optimal.

In essence, their protein is of great importance and when combined with other protein-rich vegetables, avocado juice benefits become quite enormous.

Fats: In fats, olive and avocado combine to make the best of this nutrient (about 20% but dependent upon the variety). It is noteworthy that the fat content increases during ripening process.

Therefore, avocado fat composition includes the following:

  1. Glycerides (neutral lipids) which are formed by the union of a glycerin molecule with other fatty acid molecules. Oleic acid is the most abundant.
  2. Phospholipids: These fats contain phosphorus and perform important function in the nervous system.
  3. Free fatty acids: They are present but in small amount and are responsible for the aroma.

Avocado percentage fatty acids distribution

Polyunsaturated             =       1.96 g

Monounsaturated          =       9.61 g (According to cnn health, they are packed with monounsaturated fats)

Saturated                        =       2.44 g

The fats found in avocado are of great biological value and are mainly unsaturated. No cholesterol and this is highly recommended for those who wish to lower cholesterol level (of course it should be on the low).

Taking this food whether as juice or not will still proffer the avocado juice benefits we are discussing about.

Vitamin E:    it is the richest fresh fruit in this regard and no animal based food can reach this amount (2.3 mg per 100 grams).

As one of the avocado juice benefits, it does not only promote reproduction, it also has a powerful antioxidant effect which protect against cancer and also cellular aging.

Vitamin B6: Avocado and banana are the richest fresh fruit in this vitamin: 0.5 mg per 100 grams.

Fiber: Quite rich in fiber, it is one of the highly valued fruits for its nutritional value as well as its therapeutic and dietary properties.

Iron: Its iron content is the highest of all fresh fruits (1.02 mg per 100 grams.


Indications Regarding Avocado Juice Benefits

Consuming avocado is highly recommended in cases of the following

  1. Circulatory disorders
  2. Excess cholesterol
  3. Diabetes
  4. Nervous disorders
  5. Digestive disorders
  6. Anemia

Circulatory disorders

Avocado Juice Benefits
Avocado Juice

One of the avocado juice benefits is that, generally it cannot be more highly recommended for those suffering from hypertension, coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

This is because of its reduction of fat in the blood and the fact that they make available abundant potassium and a small amount of sodium.

Excess cholesterol

Eating avocado which is highly enriched with fats actually lowers blood cholesterol level. The avocado action of reduction of fat level in the blood is due to balanced composition of its vegetable fiber content and fatty acids.

Therefore, it is recommended for individuals with triglycerides (excess cholesterol).


Recent studies conducted have shown that eating avocado or taking the juice is quite beneficial to diabetics. This because they help in maintaining blood glucose, lowers cholesterol and promotes lipid profile.

Nervous disorders

Fats in avocado are quite important to the metabolism of the nervous system. The fats include: linoleic acid, and phospholipids.

Again, they are endowed with vitamin B6 and this vitamin is important for proper functioning of the neuron.

Therefore, avocado juice benefits or benefits derived from eating this fruits is indicated for people with cases such as:

Digestive disorders

For individuals suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers, it is quite appropriate for their diet because of their emollient, alkalinity and protective effect of their fats on the mucosa.


Avocado Smoothie
Avocado Smoothie

The iron found in avocado is recommended for individuals who need additional iron, like adolescents and pregnant women.

Among the avocado juice benefits is its iron which is easily assimilated and this food should be added on the diet of those who are anemic due to lack of iron or loss of blood.

Iron in avocado is absorbed better than those of other plant-based foods. Vitamin C helps in proper assimilation.

Preparation and Use

  1. Fresh: Eaten when it is well ripe and combines well with salads and many other types of dishes. It can be consumed raw with lemon Juice
  2. Juice or smoothies
  3. Guacamole: Mexican guacamole is prepared with chopped onion, mashed avocado, salt, lemon juice and hot pepper.

Avocado can be used instead of cheese in salads in order to reduce cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium.

As a fruit that is fresh, it is highly valued in terms of nutritional fats, vitamins E and B6, proteins, iron and vegetable fiber.

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