Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal

Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal

Notable Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal

There are helpful natural remedies for alcohol withdrawal recommended for people who abruptly stopped after hug use of alcohol. The after-effect of the stop in usage may issue life threatening health complications.

To show that one is depending on alcohol, there are clear signs and one of them is “alcohol withdrawal experience”.

What then is Alcohol Withdrawal?

This is simply the changes the body system always goes through immediately an individual abruptly stops drinking after a prolonged alcohol consumption.

Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal
Imagine depicting a drunken person and bottles of alcoholic drinks

Once the brain and the body become accustomed to frequent alcohol intake, the body and brain will feel deprived of the effects of alcohol and will have to require time to adjust fully in functionality without it.

This period of adjustment will cause painful side effects of alcohol withdrawal and this can trigger life threatening health complications. However, in this post, there are lists of natural remedies for alcohol withdrawal.

Insights on Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal

The following are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal

  1. Dependence on alcohol beverages
  2. Addiction to alcohol beverages
  3. Hangovers
  4. Depression
  5. Emotional problems
  6. Flushing of the face
  7. Heart palpitation
  8. Indigestion

Other symptoms are: Insomnia, arrests, blackouts, forgetfulness, urinary problems, hepatitis, divorce, hypertension, hard drugs and numbness.


It is through the walls of the stomach that alcohol is absorbed, without digestion. From there, it travels in the bloodstreams to cells of the body where it extracts water. The result of this activity causes weakness and even get the cells killed.

The effect this has on the kidneys, liver, brain and other vital organs of the body system is somewhat damaging. It is said that most individuals who are alcoholics are either hypoglycemic or borderline diabetics.

As a matter of fact, the effects of alcohol brings about nutritional deficiencies. The body feels well fed while it is gradually or slowly starved. When the liver breaks down the alcohol to liver, the process weakens the organ and fatty degeneration of the liver starts.

Then, there is development of scar tissue which is called cirrhosis. As it is, binge drinking may lead to cardiac arrhythmia. The effects of alcohol makes the drinker feel strong while he/she is actually weak.

It makes them feel happy while they are actually miserable. This hostile effects kills the liver, brings about divorce, hurts the family and terminates his employment.

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Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal

The first step to take regarding natural remedies or alcohol withdrawal is to stop drinking alcohol entirely. The next thing to do immediately one quits drinking is to start eating nutritious food.

Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal
Natural Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal

In essence, vitamin A, B complex, C, D and K are needed while minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, essentially fatty acids are also recommended. In addition, adequate protein, bioflavonoids are essential. To help the thyroid, sea kelp is very important.

In terms of natural remedies for alcohol withdrawal, one needs to avoid certain foods.

These foods increase the craving for alcohol in the body of those indulge in it. These foods are: chocolate, milk, wheat, corn products and sugar.

After quitting, one should not substitute large amounts of sugar products and strong coffee. This is because, sugar will only increase the hypoglycemic problem.

Since alcoholic craves potassium, a teaspoon of honey should take place of a beer which is meant to replace or supply some of the potassium that got depleted by the alcohol.

One of the natural remedies for alcohol withdrawal is to go for potato peel soup which is quite rich in potassium. About half inch thick, the peelings ought to be. Leave out the rest of the potatoes. Cover the peelings with water, blend very well and add some little salt. This should be eaten with meals.

Another thing to do in order to sober up a drunken person is to provide him 1 teaspoon of 50-50 powdered charcoal and honey. This also is one of the natural remedies for alcohol withdrawal.

Avoid meat because it will bring back the craving for alcohol. However, do not forget to get regular outdoor exercise.

Slippery elm is quite okay to drink while staying off alcohol. Another thing that destroys the taste of liquor is quassia chips. All you have to do is put 1 teaspoon in 1 cup of boiled water and steep a half hour. Every 2 hours, take a swallow.

However, ensure you stay with someone, so as to avoid going out to buy one of those stuff that may trigger the cravings.

Also blend some orange peel with water and a little cayenne. It helps take away the liquor. Also, drinking angelica tea helps produce a disgust for liquor. During withdrawal chamomile tea helps a lot.

Again, during delirium tremens, take hops tea.

Other natural remedies


The neutral wet-sheet pack is good for alcohol delirium. A neutral bath will produce the same effect.

Once, one withdraws alcohol, consider nutritive enemas, copious water drinking. Neutral colonic daily, for a week.

Another things to consider is, steam bath which is quite useful in chronic alcoholism. This is because a lot of toxins come out in sweat.


One should consider the following:

  1. Aseptic dietary: Meat and flesh foods should be prohibited. Examples are: meat broths, juices, and every preparation from flesh. Fomentation over the stomach two times a day with hot abdominal pack between applications, short sweating baths.
  2. Vomiting: Ice pills swallowed, hot and cold compress over stomach or ice bag over stomach
  3. Delirium Tremens: Hot bath for about 5 minutes, rest in bad. Neutral bath for 1 – 2 hours or longer two times a day. Hot fomentation over stomach and abdomen every three hours. Each application should last for about 15 minutes.
  4. Insomnia: Hot abdominal pack at night. Neutral bath especially bed time.

In conclusion, it is recommended to combine amino acids, tyrosine and tryptophan, hops, valerian and passion flower along with vitamin B6 and niacin.   


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