Helpful Cough Solution at Home
This article outlines amazing and helpful cough solution at home which can be put into practice so as to fight cough and other related respiratory diseases.
Currently, coughing is the scariest symptom you can experience.
This is one of the common symptoms of COVID-19 infection.
This is why we pay special attention to our throat and respiratory system.
However, coughing is not always dangerous. Sometimes it can take a milder form due to other causes.
However, there is nothing more annoying than a dry and persistent cough.
This not only irritates your throat but also interferes with your daily activities.
Coughing is a defensive reflex that keeps the airways clear of irritants or blockages so you can breathe effectively.
It is also called dry cough because this type of cough does not produce mucus or phlegm.
Symptom of Cough
Frequent coughing, productive (producing phlegm) or not.
Causes of Cough
Coughs often accompany colds and other infections; they are a reflex action to clear the airways of mucous, foreign bodies, an irritant, or some type of blockage. Productive coughs bring up mucous; non-productive or dry, hacking coughs do not.
A bronchial cough is tight and painful. A sinus infection generally drips mucous down the throat, producing a cough.

Croupy coughs produce a loud raspy sound, bringing up phlegm with difficulty. Damage to the lung tissues, caused by pneumonia, can result in a chronic cough.
There are two other kinds of cough: Lung cancer or tumors can produce a mild cough which gradually becomes worse and is possibly accompanied by blood.
There is also smoker’s cough. Lung cancer may follow, unless the tobacco is thrown away.
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Cough Solution at Home
What You Can Do?
- A few drops of lobelia herb under the tongue every few minutes will relax the cough muscles and may loosen the mucous. Be sure and drink enough water and other liquids, so the mucous does not become thick.
- Applying eucalyptus oil inhalations for 10 minutes a day will help.
- An excellent cough syrup is made by mixing equal parts lemon juice and honey, with a little cayenne into a tea. Take 1 teaspoon when needed. This is one of the effective cough solution at home.
Cayenne neck compress: Boil a quart of water.
- Lower the fire as much as possible and add a half teaspoon of cayenne. Wait a few minutes. Then wet a towel in the water; wring it out, and wrap it around the neck.
- Keep the water hot and change this fomentation every 3-4 minutes, doing this for a half hour while feet are soaked in hot water.
- Helpful herbs include licorice, fig leaves, mullein, vervain, oregano, bay leaves, hyssop, and thyme. The above mentioned herbs are used when you need to obtain a cough solution at home.
- Take 3 cups a day (1 tsp. granulated herbs per cup of boiling water. Never boil the herbs. Never use aluminium ware).
- Mix thick flaxseed tea with 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil and drink it slowly.
- Whenever there is a cold, keep the nose and mouth clean. This will tend to keep the cold from going down into the lungs. Add 1 tsp. salt to a pint of soft warm water. Sniff it up the nose; then blow it out gently. Repeat till the nose is entirely clean of mucous. Then gargle the throat and rinse the mouth out thoroughly with saltwater.
- Cleanse the colon with high enemas. Continue until they reach the upper part, where transverse colon is.
If there is any nausea or bad feeling in the stomach, take an emetic to vomit it out. Lukewarm water with a little salt in it will generally help do this
- Drink all the water possible and then run the finger down the throat. Repeat till the stomach is clean. Then drink a few cups of a hot herb tea (such as sage, hyssop, yarrow, black cohosh, peppermint, or chamomile). Later in the day drink some more. This also is an effective cough solution at home.
- Keep quiet and stay in bed. Take only fruit or lemon juice in hot water. Later drink the broth thick white potato peeling soup
Other Important Natural Remedies
- Hot drinks
Staying warm and hydrated is important for people with coughs or colds.
Every time you drink a hot beverage, it can relieve your symptoms immediately.

Warm water, clear broth, and herbal teas can provide immediate relief from dry coughs, throat irritation, and chills that last for a sustained period of time after the hot beverage has been consumed. Hot drinks is recommended for cough solution at home.
- Gargle with salt water
This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat sore throat and cough.
It reduces sore throats and coughs. Mix half a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water until dissolved.
Let the solution cool slightly before using it to rinse your mouth.
- Ginger
Ginger is the first home remedy that comes to mind whenever we think of cough and need to obtain a cough solution at home. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
It also helps boost immunity and reduces mucus build-up in the respiratory tract.
There is evidence that ginger can inhibit the cough reflex by relaxing the smooth muscles of the airways.
Ginger can be found in many food products and teas.
Ginger tea is a great choice to get rid of a dry cough and feeling of congestion. Adding honey may provide more benefits for dry coughs.
- Pure honey
Raw honey is one of the oldest home remedies to treat coughs.
It helps soothe your throat and reduce irritation.
It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that are capable of soothing minor bacterial or viral infections.
You can add 2 tablespoons of honey to a cup of warm water and drink it once a day. You can also use honey to replace sugar in tea.
- Turmeric
Turmeric is an excellent antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory that helps your body recover from any infection.
It contains curcumin which helps reduce cough and other asthma symptoms.
Turmeric is also beneficial for treating upper respiratory diseases, bronchitis and tonsillitis.
You can prepare regular tea and add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it, or you can add 2-3 black pepper to it for better results.
- Licorice root
Licorice root has been used since 2100 BC. and is said to relieve pain, clear phlegm, and reduce coughs.
Licorice root tea can help reduce throat irritation and congestion.
It is available at any grocery store.
- Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root is an ancient herb that is effective in treating dry coughs.
Some studies show its effectiveness in soothing the throat and reducing irritation caused by dry coughs.
Water Therapy
Heating Chest pack, to be changed every 6 hours. If temperature is elevated, change chest pack every 2 – 4 hours. Copious water drinking.
Fomentation to spine, sipping hot water, Chest Pack. Cold Compress to the throat, gargling water several times daily. Steam inhalation for 15 minutes every hour, sipping half a glass of hot water when inclined to cough.
For irritable cough, without expectoration: Sipping very hot water; gargle hot water. Steam inhalations. Also avoid mouth breathing: keep air in the room warm (75°- 80° F) and moist with steam; carefully at exposure of back of neck, chest, or shoulders to drafts or to chill by evaporation during treatment.
For cough with viscid expectoration: Copious hot water drinking; fluid diet; Fomentation to chest every 2 hours, followed by Heating Chest Pack
For painful cough: Fomentation to chest every 2 hours and tight bandage about chest, to restrain movement if necessary. Revulsive Compress for 15 minutes every 2 hours or often as needed. Dry cotton Chest Pack between applications.
For ineffective cough: Increase expulsive power by rubbing and percussion of the chest with the hand dipped in ice water or slapping the chest with a cold wet towel.
Sometimes the dry cough remedies mentioned above may not be effective for persistent and stubborn coughs.
This can signal a more serious chronic illness or diseases such as IPF (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis), lung cancer and heart disease which can become worse if the cough is left untreated for a while long.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.