Helpful Diarrhea Home Remedies
Understanding various ways to getting diarrhea home remedies is quite imperative as it helps to calm the condition and proffer lasting solution.
Toilet, defecation, poop – whatever you want to call it, defecation is an integral part of your life.
However, sometimes the process of removing waste from your body changes. When you have loose or watery stools, it is called diarrhea.
This is a very common condition and usually goes away on its own without intervention.
Diarrhea can happen for many reasons and usually clears up on its own within one to three days. When you have diarrhea, you may need to run to the bath room right away, and this may happen more often than usual.
You may also feel bloated, have lower abdominal cramps, and sometimes feel nauseous.
Although most cases of diarrhea are self-limited (occurring over a certain period of time and of constant severity), occasionally diarrhea can lead to serious complications.
Diarrhea can cause dehydration (when your body loses large amounts of water), electrolyte imbalances (loss of sodium, potassium, and magnesium that play an important role in vital body functions), and kidney failure (not supply enough blood/fluid to the kidneys).
Symptoms of Diarrhea
One of the major symptoms of diarrhea is frequent and loose water bowel movements.
When this symptoms is ongoing, it could be accompanied by abdominal pain, cramping, sudden need to eliminate, thirst, vomiting and fever.
Causes of Diarrhea
Severe diarrhea can bring about a loss of essential electrolytes, such as potassium and tends to produce pale pallor, listlessness and dark circles under the eyes, this is according to natural remedies encyclopaedia.
It is reported that diarrhea in infants is somewhat serious and as such, something must be done immediately.
As it is, if a child has have more than five or more watery stools in a day, it is considered diarrhea.
The following are the possible causes:
- Food poisoning
- Incomplete digestion of food
- Overeating
- Stress
- Flu
- Intestinal parasites
- Caffeine
- Contaminated water
- Infection (viral or bacterial)
- Eating certain foods such as spoiled protein, unripe fruits, rancid fats
- Eating soap
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Cancer
- Poor digestion
- Lactose intolerance
- Travelling to foreign country
Additionally, Sorbitol, the synthetic sweetener found in diet products can cause diarrhea. Meanwhile, Giardia lamblia is a microscopic parasite which is the most common cause of water-borne disease.
A good Starr towards diarrhea involves a rich meal of wine, creamy dessert, lobster and all the trimmings. It will become too much for the body to handle and as such, the body will definitely reject the whole thing and sends it all out.
Dysentery is a type of diarrhea which is caused either by a disease organism of some sort or overeating of rich food. The condition may last longer as compared to diarrhea but the symptoms are the same.
Natural Remedies or Diarrhea Home Remedies
It is worthy to note that treatment and prevention require clean food sources, careful food storage and preparation, self-discipline and most important, cleanliness.
Due to the ongoing diarrhea, as much as 30% more protein than normal is needed, as well as an increased intake of minerals and trace elements.

Avoid xanthine-containing foods such as chocolate, and spicy foods, tea, and coffee. Avoid drugs, carbonated beverages and cold liquids. This is because, they may produce diarrhea.
Milk may introduce or help trigger diarrhea. Lactose intolerance and virus are leading causes of diarrhea.
When it has to do with chronic diarrhea, electrolyte and trace mineral deficiencies are likely.
Rice water and lime water, potato broth and fruit will help restore lost electrolytes.
Regarding diarrhea home remedies, use fiber (bran and pectin) so as to tighten the bowels and halt the diarrhea. Garlic is also helpful in combating diarrhea.
Carob powder is high in protein and helps stop diarrhea. It is enriched with tannins, which helps the bowel wall stand against diarrhea. It is good for young children and infants with diarrhea. Give 15 grams of carob powder with applesauce for children.
In order to fight against diarrhea and also proffer a lasting solution by introducing some diarrhea home remedies, understand that antacid are some of the causes of drug related diarrhea. Antibiotics and a number of other medicinal drugs cause it also.
Additionally, regards diarrhea home remedies, keep liquid consumption high in order to replace lost fluids. However, it is advised to avoid raw fruit juices until the acute stage is past.
Another to consider when proffering solution to a condition such as this, and especially when recommending some diarrhea home remedies, while you have diarrhea, it is advised you stay off preparing food for others, and remember to wash your hands carefully.
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Another here is apple pulp, which is rich in pectin. Apples and applesauce are centuries-old remedies for diarrhea. According to natural remedies encyclopaedia, apple pectin also treats constipation by softening the stool. Psyllium also helps diarrhea.
Peppermint essence
For centuries, peppermint oil has been used to treat gastrointestinal ailments. Peppermint oil has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anesthetic activities, all of which may help treat intestinal disorders.
Peppermint oil can relax painful muscle contractions along your food pipe.
Eucalyptus oil, found in Vapour Rub
Steam rubs contain ingredients that can have a soothing effect if applied to the abdomen. It contains eucalyptus oil, which helps fight bacteria, improve your immune system, and reduce inflammation.
It also contains menthol, camphor oil, and nutmeg oil, which are used to relieve pain.
The medicinal plant also has an anti-nausea effect. People have used ginger root to soothe a troubled stomach for 2,000 years. Various preclinical and clinical studies also support the useful properties of ginger. Try ginger tea with lemon for a relaxing and pleasant drink.
Sports drinks and non-caffeinated sodas
Vomiting and diarrhea along with abdominal pain can lead to dehydration. Sports drinks that contain electrolytes are the best way to prevent dehydration.
If you have trouble staying hydrated, try sucking on shaved ice and taking small sips of water. You can also drink a decaffeinated soda, such as Sprite, 7UP, or ginger ale.
Be sure to avoid caffeinated sodas, as caffeine can make your stomach upset worse. Carbonation from soda inflates the stomach while increasing internal pressure.
The combination of higher pressure and the effects of caffeine makes acid reflux more likely.
Helpful Herbs
The following are some herbs can be help remedy the condition. Regarding diarrhea home remedies, here are some of the helpful herbs.
- White Oak bark: it is an astringent which help stop diarrhea
- American blackberry
- Barley
- Clove root
- Whortleberry
- Black currant
- Burdock
- Echinacea
The following are some substances which are quite helpful for diarrhea home remedies. They include:
- Agrimony (stems, leaves or flowers)
- Dried fruits of blueberry and bilberry.
- Blackberry (roots or bark)
- Carob powder
- Cooked carrots
- Fenugreek seeds
- Peppermint tea will allay spasms, diarrhea and digestive disturbances
- Cooked rice controls irritable diarrhea.
- Slippery elm tea provides soothing relief. Open 2-3 370-mg capsules and mix with water into a paste. Take a tablespoon of the paste. Or mix it with mashed banana or applesauce. They both will facilitate in reducing diarrhea. Bananas restore lost potassium and add fiber.
If the diarrhea is caused by food poisoning, give activated charcoal (4-6 250-mg capsules every 2 hours until symptoms are relieved.
In cases of acute attack, this combination will produce rapid improvement. It involves our comprehensive B complex tablet daily, plus folic acid (400 mcg), pantothenic acid (100 mg), and niacinamide (100 mg).
Remember that diarrhea depletes the body of vitamins and minerals in the food. Supplements are quite helpful.
Some foods make an upset stomach worse
Some people with chronic stomach pain are more sensitive to certain foods
Caffeinated soda
Carbonated drinks can make acid reflux symptoms worse due to their caffeine and carbonate content.
Lactose intolerant patients should avoid dairy products.
Spicy food
Eating too many spicy spices can upset the stomach, leading to constipation or diarrhea.
Fried foods
Fried foods are high in saturated fat, which takes longer to breakdown in the stomach and slows down digestion.
Drinking too much alcohol irritates your intestines, which can cause stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Ibuprofen, aspirin, and antibiotics can increase nausea. People with irritable bowel syndrome may want to avoid certain foods that increase bloating, especially beans, legumes, onions, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, raisins, apricots, and plums, dried, Brussels sprouts, wheat, biscuits and bagels.
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A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.