Health Benefits of Almond

Health Benefits of Almond

Amazing Health Benefits of Almond

Invigorating the nervous system and reducing cholesterol are the primary health benefits of almond. As a food for the nervous system, it is an excellent substitute for meat.

Almond contains enormous proteins as meat, but with significant calories, minerals and more than one hundred times more vitamin E. The foods is recommended as one of the best foods for HIV patients, since it vitamin E content is quite enormous.

In addition, one of the health benefits of almond is that, its intake helps lower cholesterol levels.

During winter, almond tree is often covered with amazing white and pink blossoms showing that spring is at the corner.

Almonds are considered as nut, but the edible portion is the seed and not the fleshy part.

Other names: Sweet almond

Scientific name: Amygdalus communis L.

German: Mandel

French: Amande

Spanish: Almendra

The almond is formed from the Caucasus and also Near East. The plant adapts quite well to dry, temperate regions. It is widely grown in California and regions of Mexico.

Properties of Almond

In Iberian Peninsula, precisely in the southeastern portion, where the best almonds are raised, a traditional farm lunch is made up of a while bread, an apple and a handful of almonds.

Health Benefits of Almond

This food offers a great nutritional value which surpasses meat in caloric value and somewhat greater or equal to meat in protein.

Primary nutrients are all found in almond.  The following are some of the primary nutrients.


The proteins found in almonds are easily assimilated and also makes available the complete set of amino acids. The percentage of proteins available is quite high (13.3%).


There’s less amount of this nutrient than proteins and fat. This is the reason why is recommended you combine them with bread or other fruits such as figs or raisins.


More than the weight of this foods is formed of fat. Predominantly are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids with percentages; 34.2% and 11% respectively. Linoleic acid is much more present and also performs excellent functions in the nervous system.

Almond Percentage Distribution of Fatty Acids

Polyunsaturated         =       11.0 g

Saturated                      =       4.95 g

Monounsaturated        =       33.9 g


They are also rich in Vitamins B1, B6 and E, but the vitamin C content is almost negligible (0.6 mg per 100 grams).


In minerals, almonds are highly enriched with phosphorus and calcium, making it one of the richest plant-based foods in calcium and phosphorus.

Also, there’s significant amounts of iron, potassium and magnesium. The calcium content of almond is greater than milk, (247 mg per 100 g).

Trace Elements

Almonds are rich in zinc, just like other nuts. There’s copper and manganese. The composition is quite splendid, coupled with easy digestion, presenting almonds as the most valued oil-bearing nut.

 Almond Composition

Per 100 grams of raw edible portion

Energy                =       589 kcal = 2,465 kj

Carbohydrates   =       9.50 g

Protein                 =       20.0 g

Fiber                     =       10.9 g

Vitamin A             =       __

Vitamin B1           =       0.211 mg

Vitamin B2           =       0.779 mg

Niacin                  =       9.33 mg NE

Vitamin B6           =       0.113 mg

Folate                   =       58.7 μg

Vitamin B12          =       __

Vitamin C             =       0.600 mg

Vitamin E             =       24.0 mg ∝-TE

Calcium               =       266 mg

Phosphorus        =       520 mg

Magnesium         =       296 mg

Iron                       =       3.66 mg

Potassium            =       732 mg

Zinc                      =       2.92 mg

Total Fat              =       52.2 g

Saturated Fat     =       4.95 g

Cholesterol         =       __

Sodium                =       11.0 mg

% Daily Value provided by 100 grams of this food.

Percentage Composition

Fiber                    =       10.9%

Carbohydrates   =       9.50%

Fat                        =       52.2%

Protein                 =       20.0%

Minerals               =       3.03%

Water                   =       4.42%

Amazing Health Benefits of Almond

There are so many indications that proffer health benefits of almond. They include:

  1. High cholesterol
  2. Disorders of the nervous system
  3. Bone Disorders
  4. Cardiac disease and arteriosclerosis
  5. Diabetes
  6. Pregnant and lactating women

High Cholesterol

Many have believed that since almond is one of the foods enriched with fat that is raises cholesterol. However, contrary to this, one of the health benefits of almond is that, it does not only raise cholesterol, but it actually lowers it. Same goes to walnut.

This is in effect because almond has a well balanced fatty acid composition and its richness in vitamin E and several antioxidants present.

Nervous system Disorders

Stress, depression, physical fatigue or mental fatigue and nervous system disorders are being managed with the intake of this foods.

Health Benefits of Almond
Almonds nuts in wooden bowl and almond milk in glass on wood table background.

The balance among its minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and potassium ion help in maintaining the muscle tone and halt nervous irritability.  This shows one of the numerous health benefits of almond.

The minerals present are good enough to achieve the nervous system function and because of its richness in phosphorus and polyunsaturated fatty acids, it helps to promote phospholipid production which is essential ingredient of the cellular membranes of the neurons.

Under this section, the following are the health benefits of almond:

  1. Strengthening of the nerves
  2. Tones the muscles
  3. Helps overcome stress, fatigue and depression
  4. Provide enormous energy for athletes and those involved in hard physical labor
  5. Invigorates

Bone Disorder

There’s availability of high level of minerals that make up the skeleton (phosphorus, calcium and magnesium). Almonds are alkalizing and this facilitates retention of calcium.

Therefore, other health benefits of almond are quite beneficial for those suffering from demineralization or osteoporosis.

Arteriosclerosis or Cardiac disease

The presence of calcium and vitamin E benefit or have beneficial effect on cardiovascular health. This is because calcium is involved in each heartbeat, directly.

On the other hand, vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant that helps prevent arteriosclerosis formation.


This food is very beneficial for diabetics due to its small carbohydrate content and the quality of fats and proteins. Almonds are well tolerated by diabetics.

Pregnant and lactating women

Their nutritional richness are essential for foetal growth. Therefore, health benefits of almond are beneficial for pregnant women and for lactating women, almonds increase milk secretion.

Preparation and Use

Dried:        After having them picked up the moisture content is reduced and they become very hard.  They can be eaten very raw but they must be chewed lightly toasted. They lose their vitamin content but somewhat easy to chew and digest.

Almond Milk:     This is prepared by adding water to almond cream. It can be taken in place if cow milk.

Raw:          Freshly picked from the tree, the shell can be eaten just as they are. The fresh almonds are easily digested than dried almonds.

Turrón:      Prepared from honey and almonds. Depending on whether the almonds are whole or ground, they may be hard or soft.

Marzipan: This is a homogeneous mixture of ground almonds and sugar.


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