Home Remedies for Eye Problems

Home Remedies for Eye Problems

Amazing Home Remedies for Eye Problems

It is quite imperative to know some home remedies for eye problems. However, certain eye problems require specialised attention. In essence, there are also general solution to eye problems in its wide variety.

The following are some eye problems known:

  1. Dry eye syndrome: glands responsible for making tears are not able to make enough tears.
  2. Amblyopia: this is due to vision development disorders as one eye is reduce in vision
  3. Night Blindness: not able to see in low light
  4. Eye floaters: spots in vision
  5. Cataract: an opacity within the clear lens of the eye.
  6. Retina disorders
  7. Conjunctivitis: an inflammation of the Conjunctiva
  8. Eye strain
  9. Glaucoma
  10. Blepharitis: Eyelid inflammation causing stickiness, dry eyelid, grittiness
  11. Refractive Errors: (distorted vision, far-sightedness, short-sightedness)

Symptoms of Eye Problems

Different kinds of eye problems can develop at any time and they can be blurred vision, bulging, blood spots, dryness, redness, lumps on the Eyelids, twitching, watering, double vision, itching, dark circles.

Some Home remedies for eye problems

Below are some natural or home remedies for eye problems. It has to start with nutrition and things you would have to avoid.

First of all, the brain and the eyes use a lot of oxygen. You have to make sure you get enough of it.


Home Remedies for Eye Problems

I have some detailed posts regarding the fruits and vegetables listed below, do well to see their health benefits. In essence, these plant based foods are good for the eyes.

  1. Drink celery, parsley, carrot and beet juice. It is also good to go on a short vegetable juice fast.
  2. Zinc is one of the important minerals needed, therefore, 20 mg daily is good and quite important. It is recommended you make it part of your diet plan.
  3. Vitamin A (500 IU), B complex, B1 (25-50 mg), B2 (25-50 mg), B6 (25-50 mg), C (3,000-5,000 mg), E (400 IU), and selenium. These are very important.
  4. Ensure you eat fresh greens on a daily.
  5. Vitamin A and provitamin A and B carotene are very important on eyesight.
  6. Another one among home remedies for eye problems is to drink lemon water two days in a week. This is because it purifies the liver and also helps the eyes.
  7. For blurred vision, eat dried, unripe raspberries
  8. Get enough exercise and do not overeat.

Herbs recommended for Eye Problems

Over 2000 years, eyebright is still the main herb for eye problems and it has been in use for this purpose.

Home Remedies for Eye Problems
Elderly man examined by an ophthalmologist

One tablespoon of this herb to a cup of boiled water, strain and allow it cool. Apply cool, fresh eyebright tea as an eye wash everyday. This helps to strengthen the eyes and promote the elimination of various eye problems.

Goldenseal and raspberry teas are some of the home remedies for eye problems. The teas help the eyes.

Weakness of the eyes may result due to effect from diabetes, therefore, in order to strengthen the eyes, use chaparral tea internally. Vitamin A is also good.

Bilberry is one of the herbs recommended as one of the home remedies for eye problems because it contains flavonoid compounds which help in circulation of the eye and facilitate visual purple formulation.  Studies suggested it be given along with vitamin E.

Dandelion Tea
Dandelion Tea

We cannot forget the importance of dandelion as one of the home remedies for eye problems. Dandelion helps the detoxify.

Another helpful eye wash is aloe vera juice.

Drink borage tea (strong borage tea) to strengthen the eyes. It is good to consume the young leaves in a salad.

To get more help in strengthening the eyes, it is important to adopt the following home remedies for eye problems.

  1. Add ½ teaspoon fennel powder to ½ oz. clear, cold water. Strain and apply to the eyes.
  2. Use fresh white cabbage juice with a little amount of honey to relieve sore, moist, inflamed or running eyes.
  3. Add thyme to your food to fight dimness of sight.
  4. If eyes are inflamed, eyebright lotion or strained chickweed tea is recommended.
  5. Apply a compress of witch Hazel compresses over closed eyes to relieve red, sore, inflamed or strained eyes.
  6. For dark circles beneath the eyes, get enough sleep and avoid working so much. Place chamomile tea bag over the closed eyes.
  7. Drink goldenseal tea to help strengthen the eyes.
Avoid these
  1. Poor nutrition: Poor nutrition clogs the tiny arteries and this can lead to blindness if the process continues gradually.
  2. Avoid fried foods because free radicals in greasy foods damage the eyes and other organs as well.
  3. Avoid meat, coffee, sugar, dairy products, chocolate, refined grain and alcohol.
  4. Avoid taking fluids before bed, avoid salt and stop using tobacco because sugar, nicotine and caffeine weaken the eyes.
  5. The following medicinal drugs are not good for the eyes. They are: aspirin, ACTH, corticosteroids, allopurinol, antihistamines, sulfa drugs, tetracycline, haloperidol, anti-infection drugs, quinine etc
  6. Tinted glass causes eyestrain
  7. Margarine and vegetable shortening are not good for the eyes.


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