How To Cook Cauliflower Rice

How to cook cauliflower rice

How to cook cauliflower rice

In this article, you will not only learn how to cook cauliflower rice, you will get some important health counsels. Cauliflower rice is one of the foods for the urinary system.

In essence, if you really care about your kidneys but of course everyone does care for their kidneys, then you’d know how important it is to learn how to cook cauliflower rice.

Apart from the health counsels you’ll be getting, you’d get to know about the nutritional value, although per serving.

If you want to know more about cauliflower, do not worry because I made a detailed post on cauliflower, only navigate and get the information you want here.

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Here’s how to cook cauliflower rice

Ingredients for rice with cauliflower

How to cook cauliflower rice
Southwest cauliflower rice

The ingredients listed here in their quantities are solely for 4 servings. The ingredients will include: whole rice, cauliflower, sweet red pepper, tomato, vegetable broth olive oil, salt, saffron, parsley, garlic cloves.

Preparation time: 00:20

Cooking time: 00:45

Ingredients for 4 servings

  1. 250 grams of cauliflower
  2. 2 cups of whole rice
  3. 2 garlic cloves
  4. 3 cups of vegetable broth (unsalted)
  5. 2 tomatoes
  6. 1/2 sweet red pepper

Other ingredients



Olive oil = 4 tablespoons

Sea salt and Onion

If you must include onion, put it when you are simmering the rice. I like it somewhat raw.


The rice should be soaked overnight in a cold water

If you’re going to use hot water, allow soaking for 1hour

Number 1

  • Rinse the cauliflower, chop them together with sweet red pepper
  • Crush the tomatoes
  • Pound the garlic using a mortar after peeling and chopping. Also include parsley

Number 2

  • Put a large frying pan and heat the oil in it. Sauté the red pepper for about 3 minutes
  • Add the cauliflower, add the tomatoes
  • After the liquid from the sautéed vegetables have been evaporated, add the rinses rice and the boiling vegetable broth
  • Add saffron and salt. Allow boiling at a high temperature for about 7 minutes or more.
  • Then, add parsley and garlic you pounded.
  • Minimize the heat and simmer to allow the rice get done – being dry, tender and loose.
  • Remove from stove or cooker and allow the dish to stand for a few minutes.
  • Serve hot

Nutritional value 

Per serving

Energy                 =       306 kcal = 1.278 kj

Protein                 =       7.60 g

Fiber                     =       4.99 g

Carbohydrates   =       59.5 g

Cholesterol         =       —–

Total Fat              =       2.35 g

Saturated Fat     =       0.451 g

Sodium                =       27.0 mg

The above nutritional value is bases on a 2,000 calorie diet (% Daily Value)

Health Benefits (Counsels)

As mentioned above, both cauliflower and rice have low sodium content and this is the reason this food is regarded as a food for the urinary system. In essence, eating this food helps the renal functioning. Therefore, it is important to learn and how to cook cauliflower rice.

Good thing about this recipe is that it causes the blood to become more alkaline and this facilitates the elimination of waste substances which must have been in circulation in the bloodstream.

Good number of the substances mentioned above are acidic just like the uric acid. For this, learn how to cook cauliflower rice because it is quite beneficial for organs such as kidneys, heart. It also helps in preventing cancer.

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If you really care for the healthy functioning of your kidneys, then learn how to cook cauliflower but if you already know, then, make it a part of the diet plan because this food stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and keeps them healthy

It favors the arteries and the heart since it has low sodium in particular, if salt is not added. Fat content is low as well as cholesterol which is negligible (zero cholesterol)

It is noteworthy that whole rice controls the cholesterol level in the blood and this helps the functioning of the arteries and the heart.

The fiber contained in rice as well as cauliflower and also the presence of anticarcinogenic phytochemicals of cauliflower help on preventing cancer.

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