Uses of Castor Beans

Uses of Castor Beans

Healthful Uses of Castor Beans

It is quite imperative that you know the various uses of castor beans. This article looks into various measures that can be taken to have castor beans at your advantage. It is mostly a plant for the intestine, however, Castor beans and oils can be used to achieve different things regarding health and well-being.

Properties and Indications of Castor Beans

Castor bean seeds contain around 50% of oil, ricinine (an alkaloid), and ricin, a toxic glycoprotein which agglutinates red blood cells, however, remains in the flesh of the seed after extracting its oils.

For the recommended doses, castor bean oil produces a mild purgative effect some two hours after its intake. It is non irritant, with no cramps or colic.

It effectively heals any constipation case, which is discussed in details below. It does this, even in children.

Uses of Castor Beans
Castor Beans AND oil

However, if the case of habitual constipation, I recommend adopting dietary measures as well as employing milder laxative substances. One of uses of castor beans is to expel intestinal parasites.

Externally used, the seeds and oil of the plant have emollient and healing properties. They are applied for eczema, wounds, burns, skin rashes, herpes and to fight hair loss, both in the form of lotions and poultices. These are various uses of castor beans.

Uses of Castor Beans detailed

  1. Rheumatic disease
    Castor seed poultices can be applied with beneficial results for gout and rheumatic swelling. A decoction of castor root with potassium carbonate is also useful in treating low back pain, rheumatism and sciatica. Castorless almond flour, boiled in milk, is also used medicinally in these conditions.
  2. Dermatological problems
    Castor leaves are applied topically to treat boils and swelling. Wrapped in a light oil like coconut oil and heated, hot leaves can be applied to guinea worm sores to get rid of the worms. A castor seed poultice is also applied to scrotal wounds and tuberculosis of the lymph nodes.
  3. Cleanse the intestines
    Early evidence has shown that a single dose of castor oil taken by mouth can help clear the bowels. Some studies show that castor oil is more effective at stimulating bowel movements than a high-fiber diet or milk containing magnesium and cascara.

There is disagreement as to whether castor oil is better than a commercial kit that includes magnesium citrate, phenolphthalein, and bisacodyl oral solution.

4.       Breast milk production problems
Castor oil massaged into the breasts after childbirth increases milk flow as it stimulates the mammary glands. Castor leaves can also be used to stimulate the breasts for the same purpose.

  1. Dandruff
    If used regularly as a hair conditioner, it will help with hair growth and dandruff.6. Jaundice and liver related problems
    The fresh leaves of the castor plant are hepatoprotective, meaning they protect against liver damage. In case of jaundice in the early stages, use fresh leaves to treat. For this, take 4-5 g. leaves and grind them. Put this mixture in boiling water and then decoct it into a medicine and drink it twice a day. Or take 4-5 g. leaves and extract of its juice, mixed with water and taken twice a day.
  2. Constipation
    Castor oil can be safely used all year round. It simply goes out after completing the elimination effect, causing the patient to feel a slight itching in the anus at this time.
    Using castor oil as a bleach is very simple. About 30-60 grams of pure, unscented castor oil is taken with 250-375 grams of warm milk. It works in just an hour. People who feel nausea and discomfort when using:
    can be taken with ginger juice or anise instead of milk. This greatly reduces its inconvenience, while destroying the mucous membranes and promoting healthy appetite.8.       Natural Birth Control
    According to the treatises of Ayurveda and Unani, if a woman chewed one castor bean every day for a period of seven days after her period, she would become infertile. Many people explain that castor seed is an herb used to prevent pregnancy and that if a woman swallows castor beans after her menstrual cycle, she will not conceive for that month. When wanting to become pregnant, it is possible to stop the practice and conceive after a year.

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Seed oil is considered fast, safe and gentle, helps with bowel movements in 3-5 hours, and is recommended for young children and the elderly.
–        It is so effective that it is often used to cleanse the digestive tract in cases of poisoning.
–        It should not be used in cases of chronic constipation, where it may treat the symptoms but not the cause.

Castor oil thickens into a gel-like mass, is beneficial in the treatment of non-inflammatory skin diseases and is a good protector in eczema and occupational dermatitis.
–        The seeds are rubbed on the temples to treat headaches and are also ground into a powder that is applied to abscesses and various skin infections. On uses of castor beans, the seed is used in Tibetan medicine, where it is considered acrid, bitter, and sweet with the ability to heat.
–        It is used in the treatment of indigestion and as a bleach.
–        Leaves are used as poultice to treat headaches and boils.
–        The fresh leaves are used externally by nursing mothers in the Canary Islands to increase milk production.
–        It is also deposited in the eye to eliminate irritation after removal of foreign bodies. Roasted seeds are pounded and applied to hemorrhoids in the Philippines.
Face paralysis area, use peeled and crushed seeds to cover.

Seed powder is used to cover wounds caused by sharp objects (nails, bamboo sticks, bullet wounds) and itching for 4-5 days.
–        Castor seed and its oil have also been used in China for centuries, mainly prescribed in local medicine for body use or dressings.
–        Castor seed oil is used as an anthelmintic, purgative, emollient, laxative, purgative in Unani, Ayurvedic and other ethnic health systems. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine considers castor oil to be the king of joint medicines.

Uses of Castor Beans
Castor bean oil

The leaves, roots, and seed oils are used to treat inflammation and liver disorders in Ayurveda.
–        Castor oil is rubbed on the body, treating chest pain and skin diseases.
–        Castor oil has been used as an abortifacient and is taken orally, alone or with quinine sulfate, to induce labor during a full-term pregnancy.
–        Castor oil is also used in ear drops to harden earwax. Castor oil is used as an anthelmintic and treatment for warts.
–        Leaves are used as poultice to treat headaches and boils.
Crushed leaves are used to give birth difficult (premature birth) – can not bring down the fetus.
–        Heated leaves are applied to the body to relieve gout pain, sprains and swelling and the pulp is used to treat skin rashes in Indonesia.
The crushed leaves are applied topically to the breasts as a galactogen, but castor oil is applied to the breasts as a lactation agent. Crushed leaves cook water to wash skin ulcers.
–        The leaves are used to treat ear pain.
–        The decoction of the leaves and roots is considered an antitussive, discussed, and expectorant.
–        The powdered castor bark is used as a dressing for sores and sores.
–        Root decoction is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, paralysis, epilepsy, uterine prolapse and anal prolapse in the Philippines. It is so effective that it is often used to cleanse the digestive tract in cases of poisoning.

–        Castor oil gel is useful in the treatment of non-inflammatory skin diseases and is a good protector for eczema and occupational dermatitis.
Castor oil is also used as an emollient in wound treatments and as a solvent for antibiotic eye drops.
Unshelled castor beans are used to prevent pregnancy, constipation, leprosy, and syphilis.

Ayurvedic health benefits of castor beans

Dip a piece of flannel cloth in castor oil. Apply to affected area.
Warm the TNHC leaves. Apply castor oil on it. Tape it on the affected area.

Steam the castor leaves. Place on affected part and dress. Leave it overnight. Do this daily until the problem persists.

Warm castor leaves. Use them as a poultice on the chest. It helps to increase lactation.

Massage with castor oil on the abdomen. OR:
Tie the hot castor leaves to the belly.

Lower back pain:
Drink 10 ml of castor root decoction once a day. Use it for 15 days.

Grind castor beans to make powder. Take 2 g once a day.

Mix castor oil and honey in 2:
1 report. Take 1 teaspoon once a day. Warts:
Apply castor oil to the wart two to three times a day.

Heat some castor oil. Use it to massage inflamed joints. That’s one way. The most effective way is to use stickers. OR patch fold the plush fabric into three layers. Size may depend on the affected area. Dip it in castor oil. Drain the excess. Put on an inflamed part of the body; toes, knees.

Cover it with a plastic sheet. Apply dry heat with a hot water bottle or electric pad. Wrap in a towel to retain heat. Stay there for an hour. Repeat for at least three days. The gout attack will pass.

Use castor oil as eye drops in the affected eye.

Apply castor oil directly to painful or inflamed areas of the body. It helps to reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

Apply leftover Castor’s mixture to the infected wound. It helps to remove worms from the wound.

Use castor oil on damaged skin.
Massage with castor oil on the affected area twice a day.

Ringworm of the skin:
Take 10 to 15 fresh or dried castor leaves. Heat with 50 ml of coconut oil. Apply warm compresses to the affected area at night. Do it daily for best results. OR:
Mix one teaspoon of castor oil with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Apply to affected areas.

Apply castor oil on your penis. Rub it gently. This is one of the uses of castor beans.

Breast Stimulator:
Take a few drops of castor oil. Massage your breasts with it. Using it regularly will increase your bust size.

Add 4 ml of castor oil to 50 ml of hot milk. For pregnant women to drink twice a month. Start using this remedy from the fifth month of pregnancy. This helps smooth delivery.

Sprinkle castor bark powder on the sores.

Use castor leaf powder as an ointment to apply to the abscess. Full label:
Use castor oil to wash your eyes. It is very useful to cure eye inflammation.

Another one among the uses of castor beans is that, it can be used for cataract. Put 2 drops of castor oil in the affected eye twice a day.

Drink a teaspoon of castor oil on an empty stomach for a week. For children:
A quarter teaspoon is recommended for children. (Note: You can mix castor oil with cranberry juice, orange juice, and ginger juice for a better taste. You can add it to your breakfast. Overdose can cause diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, etc.)

Put 2 to 3 drops of castor oil on a cotton ball. Rub it on the affected area for 5-10 minutes twice a day.

Low visibility:
Mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with 4 tablespoons of rose water. Put one drop in each eye daily.

Take Castor Leaves. Wash and dry. Steam them and apply directly externally to relieve arthritis pain.

Steam or reheat castor leaves. Hold it over the affected joint and bandage it. Do it daily at night.
Steam or reheat castor leaves as needed. Hold it over the affected joints and bandage it.
Take equal amounts of fenugreek juice, basil leaves, and castor oil. Boil them until they thicken. Cool and store in a box. Drink 2 teaspoons with warm milk before going to bed. Use it for 5 days.

Burning the roots of Sweet Flag. Mix the ash with castor oil. Apply it on the lower abdomen. (Note:
You can also use coconut oil instead of castor oil.) Mix the ash formed by burning Sweet Flag root with castor oil. Apply it on the lower abdomen. (Note: You can use coconut oil instead of castor oil.)

Stomach problems:
Apply a paste made by mixing the ashes obtained from burning the roots of the sweet palm tree with castor oil on the lower abdomen. Do this regularly until the symptoms disappear. (Note: You can also use coconut oil if castor oil is not available.)

Coat Sweet Flag rootstock with castor oil. Bake it over heat until it turns black. Take half a teaspoon of the ash obtained with hot water.

Roast the Sweet Flag rootstock with a layer of castor oil over an open flame until it turns black. Take half a teaspoon of the resulting ash and mix it with a little hot water.

Get Sweet Flag’s castor oil-coated rootstock. Bake it over the fire until it turns black. Mix half a teaspoon of the resulting ash with dried ginger powder. Add sugar to it. Drink with a little water once a day.

Take equal amounts of Indian sorrel leaf extract and castor oil. Mix them well. Heat it to remove moisture. Cool. Apply it on the scalp at night every day.

Cook fresh Chinese date leaves. Drizzle some castor oil on the leaves. Apply to affected area twice a day. Repeat the operation for a week.

Crush some leaves. Fry in castor oil. Use it as a bandage.

Take fresh aloe vera leaves. Use a knife to remove the spines and outer skin. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Rinse with water. Dry gently with a towel. Place 1 cup of the dried pulp obtained over the heat in the pot. Add 2 cups of castor oil, 1 cup of candied dates, and 1/4 cup of sliced ​​white onions.

Heat until moisture evaporates. Refresh it. Give it away. Drink 2 teaspoons before going to bed. Or: If aloe vera oil is available, take 2 teaspoons before going to bed.

Mix half a cup of rock sugar, half a cup of chopped onion, and 1/4 cup of aloe vera. Heat it with half a cup of castor oil until it has a jam-like consistency. Cool it down and store it. Drink 1 teaspoon 2 times per day. Ulcers:
Heat 100g of sugar, 100g of minced shallot, 50g of aloe vera with 100g of castor oil. Stir properly until it becomes thick. Take 2 teaspoons twice a day.

Preparation and Uses

Internal Use

  1. As a purgative, the dose is 5 – 10 grams of oil for children, and 15 – 30 grams for adults, taken in the morning, on an empty stomach.

External Use

  1. Lotion with the oil on the affected skin area.
  2. Poultices with mashed fresh leaves.


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