Benefits of Eating Oranges Everyday

Benefits of eating oranges everyday

Helpful Benefits of Eating Oranges Everyday

As one of the foods for infections, one of the benefits of eating oranges everyday is that it is enriched with pectin, a type of vegetable fiber known for its anti-carcinogenic and anti-cholesterol properties.

According to Professor Stepp, a natural orange is quite superior to any pharmaceutical preparation as a source of vitamin C.

As of today, it is known that in addition to vitamin C, oranges contain about 170 phytochemicals that potentiate and complement the action of this vitamin in the body.

All these put together, with the sense of well-being, coupled with pleasure, that one gains from eating orange cause its health effects to be much greater than would be expected from 50 mg/100 g of vitamin C.

Regardless of what pharmaceutical companies are preaching and claim, the 50 mg/100 g of vitamin C in oranges provides much more to the body than 50 mg or 500, of any pill medication.

Other names:

Orange        =       French

Naranja       =       Spanish

German       =       Orange

Related species: Citrus aurantium L. (Bitter orange)

It is an evergreen tree of the botanical family Rutaceae. The orange, like all Citrus, is made up of various fruits joined to form an apparently simple fruit.

Originally from China, oranges are cultivated in all the hot regions of the world in the so-called “Citrus belt”, between 40 degrees north latitude and 35 degrees south latitude.

Properties and Indications

Some of the components noteworthy are:


It is in moderation amounts, about 9.35 g per 100 grams. Easily assimilated by the body and tolerated by diabetics in controlled amounts. They are dextrose, saccharose, and levulose.


In addition to its vitamin C content (45 – 60 mg / 100 g), oranges contain carotenoids that are responsible for their typical color (provitamin A), vitamin B1, and B2.


Potassium and calcium stand out among the minerals that can be found in oranges. Oranges also contain smaller but somewhat significant amounts of magnesium and iron.

Vegetable fiber

There is vegetable fiber in the form of pectin which helps to fight against cholesterol. However, in orange juice, it is the only component that’s not present.

Organic Acids

Citric acids which facilitates the activity of vitamin C and potentiate the elimination of toxic residues such as uric acid from the body are particularly present.

Folic acid

This comes in amount of 30 – 40 mg / 100 g. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for proper development of the fetal nervous system. It also acts as antioxidant whose presence in the blood is quite necessary to the proper function of the defensive cells (white blood cells).


Carotenoids, substances that are quite similar to beta-carotene, which also transform into vitamin A in the body. They also acts as antioxidants. Beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin are the most prominent among the 20 carotenoids found in the orange.

Orange Composition

Per 100 grams of raw edible portion

Energy                  =       47.0 kcal     =    197 kj

Protein                 =       0.940 g

Carbohydrates     =       9.35 g

Vitamin A            =       21.0 μg RE

Vitamin B1           =       0.087 mg

Vitamin B2            =       0.040 mg

Niacin                   =       0.432 mg NE

Vitamin B6           =       0.060 mg

Folate                   =       30.3 μg

Vitamin B12         =       —

Vitamin C            =       53.2 mg

Vitamin E             =       0.240 mg ∝-TE

Fiber                     =       2.40 g

Calcium                =       40.0 mg

Phosphorus         =       14.0 mg

Magnesium         =       10.0 mg

Iron                      =       0.100 mg

Potassium            =       181 mg

Zinc                      =       0.070 mg

Total fat               =       0.120 g

Saturated fats       =       0.015 g

Cholesterol           =       —

Sodium                 =       —-

% Daily Value provided by 100 g of this food; according to encyclopedia of foods and their healing power.

Percentage Composition of Orange

Fiber                     =       2.40%

Carbohydrates     =       9.35%

Fat                        =       0.120%

Minerals               =       0.440%

Protein                 =       0.940%

Water                   =       86.8%


These are substances found in very small amounts in foods but plays very important roles within the body. There are about 170 different Phytochemicals in the orange.

Flavonoids and limonoids are the main groups of Phytochemicals in the orange.

Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic glucoside which have positive effects on the circulatory system.

Limonoids are the substances responsible for the orange’s aroma and form part of its essence. This substance prevents the formation of tumors in experimental animals after they have been given known carcinogens.

Benefits of Eating Oranges Everyday

  1. Boost your immunity 

Oranges also contain thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium and copper. Due to their high vitamin C content (more than double the daily requirement), oranges have been linked to strengthening the immune system.

2. Good for your skin

Benefits of eating oranges everyday
Oranges and its juice

As we age, our skin and other parts of the body are damaged by free radicals. This process is similar to the process of metal rusting after exposure to air.

Although inevitable, oranges are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C that help slow down this process and make you look younger than your years. Apart from oranges, you can eat these fruits and vegetables for glowing skin!

3. Good for your eyes
In addition to our skin, our eyes also get damaged as we age. Oranges are rich in nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium that are good for your eyes. So if you want your eyesight to be as good as it is, eat an orange a day!

4. Heart disease prevention
One of the reasons people get heart disease is because their arteries get clogged due to unhealthy lifestyles and junk food eating.

Oranges contain flavonoids like hesperidin that lower cholesterol and keep your arteries clear of blockages. This will protect you from heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. Alternatively, you can try these 8 natural cholesterol-lowering drugs.

5. Helps develop brain
Folate and folic acid present in oranges promote brain development and keep vital organs in perfect condition. In fact, these nutrients also make oranges a healthy fruit for pregnant women as it helps prevent neurological disorders for the baby later in life.

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6. May Support Cancer Prevention
Having cancer can be a difficult and challenging experience for both patients and caregivers. Research has shown that the D-limonene compound present in oranges can prevent many types of cancer such as lung cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, etc.

In addition, antioxidants and vitamin C help promote the body’s immunity, helping to fight cancer cells. Here are some eating habits to prevent cancer.

7. Protect you from stomach ulcers
Oranges are a very good source of fiber that helps keep your stomach and intestines healthy. A diet high in fiber will ensure that you are not affected by diseases such as stomach ulcers and constipation.

8. Protect your vision
Oranges also contain very good levels of vitamin A and other flavonoid antioxidants such as alpha and beta-carotenes, beta-cryptoxanthin, zea-xanthin and lutein.

These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also needed to maintain healthy mucous membranes and skin and is essential for vision. The consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps the body to protect itself from lung and oral cavity cancers.

  1. Lose weight
    One cup of oranges contains only 85 calories, making it a nutrient-dense and low-calorie food. The same serving also contains 4.3 grams of fiber. This compound aids weight loss by promoting regular bowel movements and helping you feel fuller for longer.

10. Prevent hair fall
Oranges are high in vitamin C, which is necessary for the production of collagen, which in turn is responsible for holding your hair tissues together. No one likes bald patches on the head, and eating oranges can save you from having to part with your beautiful hair in old age.

Dietic and Therapeutic Applications

Its dietic and therapeutic Applications are:

Infectious Diseases

For anyone with infectious disease, Oranges should always be part of their diet or those who wish to avoid infectious diseases.

According studies, one of the benefits of eating oranges everyday is that oranges a day is the recommended dose for individuals wishing to increase resistance to infections. In essence, 250 mg of vitamin C are needed to achieve this results.

It is imperative to understand that eating oranges everyday cannot prevent flu or cold. However, they have been proven to shorten the length of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms.

The combination of vitamin C and other chemical substances found in the orange have the following effects on infections:

  1. They increase the disease-fighting capabilities of the white blood cells.
  2. They slow, but do not completely halt the development of viruses within human cells
  3. They increase the number and longevity of the white blood cells.
  4. They increase the production of interferon, an antiviral protein produced within the body itself.

Additionally, benefit of eating oranges everyday are quite enormous in that, daily intake indicated for not only colds and flu, but for any type of infectious disease, including those associated with childhood, and even AIDS.

Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis and cardiovascular disease:

The flavonoid found in oranges, potentiated by vitamin C, inhibit the build-up of clot-forming platelets in the blood.

As it is, oranges help make the blood more fluid and improve circulation, particularly in the two organs requiring the most consistent blood supply: the heart and the brain.

They also contain four highly effective antioxidants that mutually potentiate themselves: they are;

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Quercetin
  3. Provitamin A
  4. Folic acid

The result is a powerful antioxidant effects on all the cells of the body.

He pulp of the orange and the white inner peel or mesocarp, is enriched with pectin, a type of soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol level. This is another one among the benefits of eating oranges everyday.

In essence, the following are the benefits of eating oranges everyday:

  1. Reduced blood pressure
  2. Lowered or reduced blood cholesterol
  3. Lower risk of arteriosclerosis, arterial thrombosis and heart disease.


One of the benefits of eating oranges everyday is that it helps cure constipation and intestinal atony through:

  1. Stimulating and facilitating the emptying of the gallbladder, with the subsequent laxative effect of bile in the intestine.
  2. Their soft vegetable fiber stimulates peristaltic action in the intestine.

Aside action against constipation, oranges alleviate the hemorrhoids that often accompany it.

Cancer Prevention

Vitamin C has an anti-carcinogenic effect, as do the phytochemicals contained in oranges and their citrus fruits.

Studies have proven that eating at least one orange or other citrus fruits a day prevents various types of cancer.

Eye conditions

Since, they are rich in carotenoids, as well as other antioxidants, oranges are quite useful in preventing macular degeneration of the retina, the principle cause of blindness in individuals over the age of 65 in Western countries.


With their 30 – 40 mg / 100 grams of calcium, oranges are the richest citrus fruit in this invaluable mineral.

Furthermore, oranges ‘citric acid improves calcium absorption in the intestine. Oranges also contain magnesium and phosphorus.

Vitamin C is an essential factor in the growth and maintenance of the bones, teeth and cartilage. In cases of osteoporosis, rickets and whenever an increased supply of mineral salts is required, oranges are recommended.

Excess uric acid

A treatment with oranges is very effective in dissolving and eliminating the uric acid deposits within the joints that cause uratic arthritis.  Kidney stones may also be at least partially dissolved with an orange treatment. This is because oranges are an excellent blood alkalizer in spite of their acid taste.


Another one among the benefits of eating oranges everyday is that, persons with high levels of vitamin C in the blood suffer less from allergies.

Additionally, eating four or five oranges a day contributes to the prevention of the appearance of allergic reactions such as rhinitis or bronchial asthma.

Preparation and Use
  1. Orange treatment: The treatment must be followed for one or two days per week for three or four weeks. It consists of eating only oranges each day, and drinking only fresh juice. 10 to 12 oranges may be consumed and 2 to 4 glasses of juice may be drunk each day. If the oranges are bitter, two teaspoon honey may be added to each glass of juice.
  2. Juice: Ideally orange juice should be drunk fresh-squeezed since vitamin C loses its potency over time and exposure to light. Canned orange juice loses some of its natural vitamin C, although some bottlers enrich it with synthetic vitamin C.
  3. Fresh: when eating an orange, the white inner peel should be included, as well as the pulp fiber as long as it is not tough.


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