Rheumatoid Arthritis Foods to Eat

Rheumatoid Arthritis Foods to Eat

Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat are those foods recommended for rheumatic arthritis patients which have antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and at the time go well with any drugs that may have been recommended by doctors.

As it is, foods have various medicinal properties and as such seen as medicine. The foods listed here will help in managing rheumatoid arthritis especially those struggling with the pain.

Researches are still ongoing, however scientists have recommended some foods which may help reduce arthritis and other related pain and inflammation. This is in accordance with the statement made by Andrea Dunn, a registered dietitian.

In my last post tilted: Worst Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis“, where I explained certain foods to avoid and also discussed about the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. I’d briefly state again what rheumatoid arthritis really is.

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What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

In simple term, rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the joints with causes yet unknown. This inflammation usually affects the small joints of the hands and feet. When this happens, it causes so much pain, inflammation, joint deformation and functional disability.

 Rheumatoid Arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis

It is somewhat frequent in middle-aged women. Those who suffer this ailment tend to also suffer from anemia, malnutrition, stomach ulcers and protein loss.



Diets regarding Rheumatoid Arthritis

Before listing out the rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat, it is imperative to know the three types of diet which may aggravate or improve the condition. The three types of diet include:

  1. Omnivorous diet
  2. Ovolactovegetarian diet
  3. Strict Vegetarian diet

Omnivorous diet

Omnivorous diet is based on animal products and meat and the resultant effect is not good with rheumatoid arthritis. This diet worsens the disease and cannot be seen as rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat or diet recommended for rheumatoid arthritis.

Ovolactovegetarian diet

With this diet there is a degree of improvement and that’s when it replaces the above mentioned diet (omnivorous). In essence, the best-tolerated dairy product is yogurt.

Vegetarian (Vegan) diet

This is the only diet that gives the best results, especially raw vegetables and fruits. Therefore, plant-based foods are the best and as such the only trusted rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat.

List of Rheumatoid Arthritis Foods to Eat

The following nutrients and foods are best in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. There are about 14 rheumatoid arthritis foods listed here.

Therefore, rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat are as follows:

  1. Soy
  2. Fruit
  3. Nuts
  4. Legumes
  5. Vegetables
  6. Oils
  7. Whole Grains
  8. Black Currants
  9. Walnut
  10. Yogurt
  11. Fish oil
  12. Wheat Germ
  13. Sauerkraut
  14. Ginger and Turmeric


Soy to prevent osteoporosis

It is one of the few plant-based foods that provides omega-3 fatty acids and somewhat similar to those in fish. In essence, they have anti-inflammatory properties. Equally of good value are soymilk, tofu, and other derivatives.




There is always substantial improvement with diet based on raw vegetables and fruits. In cases of rheumatoid arthritis, they help reduce inflammation, pain and deformation of the joint. They are therefore recommended and seen as rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat.

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Nuts make available polyunsaturated fatty acids that help bring down inflammatory pain and inflammation in individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

This is the same with fish oil since they are good sources of vitamin E, proteins and minerals recommended for rheumatic arthritis patients.


Protein need in rheumatoid arthritis patients are met by legumes. It is best to combine them with grains which also help in providing high quality proteins. Therefore, vegan diet that has legumes in it helps in reducing inflammation and improves the rheumatoid arthritis condition. In essence, legumes are rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat and not to avoid.


How to prevent stress using Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables especially the raw ones and other plant-based foods form anti-arthritic diet. Vegetables from the botanical family Solanacea are the only exception because they produce allergic reactions in some individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

This is as a result of the solanine content. Furthermore, eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers should be sparingly.


It is noteworthy that vegetable oil which is highly rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids help stop the process of inflammation that aggravates or causes rheumatoid arthritis. Some are hereby classified as rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat because they provide the oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are:

  • Soy oil
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Canola oil
  • Grape seed oil

Whole Grains

Vegetarian diet has its foundation in grains and as it is, recommended for rheumatic arthritis patients. They go well with vegetables, legumes, nuts and fruits.

Black Currants

Rheumatoid Arthritis foods to eat

I made a post on blackcurrant, visit the link and get a detailed information regarding blackcurrants. Black currant or blackcurrant is a rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat because its leaves and the fruits to a lesser extent stop inflammatory processes especially on the joints. They are quite anti-rheumatic.

Benefits of eating peanut


Walnuts provide linolenic acid since they are part of the vegetable source. Linolenic acid belongs to omega-3 group. Therefore, in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, walnuts play vital role since they act as anti-inflammatory.


Biotic yogurt contains live lactobacilli which has a positive effect on ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis. This yields best results when combined with plant-based foods especially with raw ones.

This is because yogurt promotes and improves the intestinal flora and thereby reduces certain bacteria that seen to initiate rheumatoid arthritis process.

In essence, yogurt is considered as rheumatoid arthritis foods to eat.

Fish oil

Effects of Fish oil on rheumatoid arthritis
Fish oil

10 grams of fish oil on a daily shows significant anti-inflammatory effect which makes the need for medication seem minimal. In less than two months, there is always a notable effect due to the fact that it contains omega-3 fatty acids.

Wheat Germ

There is presence of omega-3 linolenic acid which plays or act as anti-inflammatory and additionally, the presence of vitamin E which helps to halt the rheumatoid arthritis process.


This contains lactic acid and it has attributed to its beneficial effect on rheumatoid arthritis.

Ginger and Turmeric

Turmeric for candida

According to clevelandclinic.org, the chemicals in ginger and turmeric plant have anti-inflammatory properties and this is one of the reasons they are widely used in Indian and Chinese cuisines.




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