The Benefits of Sage

The benefits of sage

Many of The Health Benefits of Sage

As one of the plants for the s*xual organs, the benefits of sage are quite astronomical. Sage is ideally invigorating, especially for women and more.

It is also a staple herb used in various cuisines throughout the entire globe. Sage derived its scientific name from the Latin word salvare, meaning to save.

This is because sage is believed to heal all kinds of diseases.

With scientific help, we are able to make use of sage because its properties have been known.

Sage’s scientific name is Salvia officinalis and it is one found in the family of mint with other herbs such as rosemary, basil, oregano and thyme.

It is a shrub of woody base belonging to the Labiatae family and can grow up from 50 to 80 cm in height.

The benefits of sage
Sage plants and flowers

It has grayish green oval-shaped leaves while its flowers are bluish or violet which grow in spike. The part mostly used for medicinal purposes is the leaves.

This medicinal herb is used in small amount because its aroma is quite strong with earthy flavor and endowed with enormous compounds and nutrients which come in different varieties.

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Properties of Sage

The plant as a whole makes available an essence which is up to 2.5% and very rich in thujone. This singular property explains it antiseptic, emmenagogue and antiperspirant properties.

It has catechic tannins which make it acquire invigorating and astringent properties, also flavonoids and phenolic acids.

The benefits of sage are quite massive as this medicinal plant has many other properties such as:

  1. Antispasmodic properties
  2. Choleretic properties

It has some other properties similar to those of foliculine, an estrogenic hormone which is usually secreted by the ovaries.

In essence, about 0.7 grams (one teaspoon) of ground sage contains the following

Protein        =      0.1 grams

Calories      =       0.4 grams

Fat              =       0.1 grams

Carbs          =       0.4 grams

Iron             =       1.1% of the RDI

Vitamin K   =       10% of the RDI

Vitamin B6 =      1.1% of the RDI

Manganese =       1% of the RDI

Calcium      =       1% of the RDI

Indications and the benefits of sage

The following are the applications and the benefits of sage. They are indicated in the following cases:

  1. Diabetes
  2. Invigorates the nervous system
  3. Sweat states
  4. Gynecological afflictions
  5. Digestive afflictions
  6. Afflictions of the skin
  7. Afflictions of the mouth and pharyngeal.


The benefits of sage
sage herbal tea

This amazing medicinal herb has proven hypoglycemic action which results a reduction of the dose of anti-diabetic medicines.

The applications here are internal which involves infusion with about 15 to 30 grams of the sage leaves and flower clusters per liter of water. Check the preparation and use to know to more.

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Invigorates the nervous system

The action of sage on the nervous system is quite mild, a mild stimulant action on suprarenal glands.

Therefore, some of the benefits of sage here is that, it is highly recommended for depression, low blood pressure, vertigo, asthenia, shivers and other autonomic nervous system imbalance manifestations.

Sweat states

It is regarded as the plant with the strongest antiperspirant properties. Two hours after taking it, one of the benefits it offers is to reduce excessive perspiration, particularly at night, against tuberculosis, infectious diseases and other degenerative afflictions.

Another one among the benefits of sage is its richness in febrifuge properties which makes fevers diminish.

Gynecological Afflictions

Sage is packed with antispasmodic and emmenagogue properties which help in stimulating and in regulating menstruation thereby easing menstrual pain. One of the benefits of sage here is that, it fights against menstrual disorders.

According to Dr. Pamplona-Riger in his book, “healthy plants“, it stated that when sage is taken month before labor, it stimulates labor contractions and also ease them.

sage herb

The striking thing about the benefits of sage in this perspective is that it promotes hormonal balance in the bodies of women.

Therefore, it may foster or promote fertility and so recommended for the treatment of vaginism and frigidity.

It also fights against leukorrhea, in the form of v*ginal irrigation. There is method of  v*ginal irrigation with the decoction. Check the preparation and use section.

Digestive afflictions

Sage is known to have massive carminative and digestive properties. It also has enormous antispasmodic and antiseptic actions which go well in easing vomiting, abdominal colic ache and diarrhea.

Sage’s choleretic properties, that is, stimulation of the bile, reduce the congestion of the liver and facilitate digestion.

Afflictions of the skin

In cases of skin afflictions, it reduces the sternness of the afflicted region and also heals. According to Good Stuff Botanicals, sage helps improve acne and chap skin.

Therefore, it is useful for wounds. In this perspective, the benefits of sage here include:

  1. Use in cases of ulcer
  2. Abscess
  3. Furuncles
  4. Insect bites

Another benefit is the use when bathing with sage, it helps to keep the facial skin radiant and beautiful.

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Afflictions of the mouth and pharyngeal

Sage flowers
Sage flowers

As a result of its antiseptic and astringent properties, it gives a satisfying result for gingivitis, that is, the inflammation of the gums, tonsillitis, mouth sores and pharyngitis.

It also fights to calm throat itching and smoker’s cough.

Other Benefits of sage include

  1. Antioxidants: they are loaded with antioxidants which help the body’s immune system in fighting foreign bodies and free radicals or other toxic substances which may have been produced by body’s own cells.
  2. Helps in easing menopause symptoms. It is uses traditionally to reduce the menopause symptoms.
  3. It may help in reducing blood sugar levels because as stated above, the sage leaves can be used as a cure against diabetes and this indicates that it may lower blood sugar levels.
  4. Sage also helps the brain health and support memory
  5. Sage protects against certain cancers such as liver cancer, mouth cancer, cancer of the colon, breast, skin and kidney.

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Preparation and Use

From number 1 to 2 are meant for internal use while 3, 4, 5 and 6 are for external use.

  1. Essence: The recommended dose when using the essence is 2 – 4 drops, at least 3 times daily.
  2. Infusion with about 20 to 30 grams of the sage leaves and flower clusters per liter of water. Four cups recommended on a daily.

For menstrual disorders, it is administered during the week previous to the expected menstruation date.

  1. V*ginal irrigations with this decoction, well strained at a time
  2. Baths: In order to get a cosmetic effect on your skin and to make it look more beautiful, use the same decoction above and add to the bath water.
  3. Compresses and Lotions: With decoction made with 70 – 00 leaves in a liter of water.
  4. Gargles and mouth rinsings: Use the decoction as above.

Sage essence is quite toxic especially when taken in high doses and it produces convulsions. Therefore, taking sage one mouth is recommended.

Sage internal uses should not be carried out in breastfeeding, pregnancy (except during the last month). It should not be taken when in states of great nervous excitation and irritability.


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