Benefits of Mushroom Soup

Benefits of Mushroom Soup

Amazing Health Benefits of Mushroom Soup

One of the benefits of mushroom soup is the fact that it helps in reducing insulin need. Consuming them raw may have some carcinogenic effect due to their agaritine content.

However, carrying out some preventive measure, it is recommended not to eat them raw.

This is one of the reasons I thought it wise to write about the benefits of mushroom soup. In my country Nigeria, 90% of those who eat mushroom always have them cooked, fried or roasted depending on the species.

Many years ago, when I was a kid, we usually eat a particular species that are often found under dried leaves (moist). The species that grow from dry woods are usually roasted, having them folded in thick leaves.

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Benefits of Mushroom Soup
Different types of Edible Mushrooms

There are enormous benefits of mushroom soup which is why I decided to let you know what you stand to gain as you make mushroom a part of diet.

They are much appreciated for their nice flavor and whitish appearance.

Other names: Related species – Agaricus campestris L., (wild mushroom)

Synonyms:  Morel, Pink-bottom, Forest mushroom, Portabello, Vegetable meat, Field mushroom

French:       Champignon

Spanish:     Champiñón, champiñón cultivado, seta de París

German:    Champignon

Mushroom is the fruiting body of the fungus ‘Agaricus Bosporus’ L and belongs to the family; Agarocaceae of the class Basidiomycota. They grow on organic matter and manure is usually used as a media.

They have no chlorophyll because they need no light and prefer darkness.

France is the world primary producer.

Properties and Indications

About 2.1% of complete proteins can be found in mushroom which is approximately the same as the potato but quite less than a third of the calories. In essence, frying them will eventually increase their caloric content.

Mushroom Composition

Per 100 grams of raw edible portion

Energy                  =                 25.0 kcal = 106 kj

Carbohydrates     =                 3.45 g

Protein                 =                 2.09 g

Fiber                     =                 1.20 g

Vitamin A            =                 ___

Vitamin B1           =                 0.102 mg

Vitamin B2           =                 0.449 mg

Niacin                   =                 4.90 mg NE

Vitamin B6           =                 0.097 mg

Folate                   =                 21.1 µg

Vitamin B12          =                 ___

Vitamin C            =                 3.50 mg

Vitamin E             =                 0.120 mg α-TE

Calcium                =                 5.00 mg

Phosphorus         =                 104 mg

Magnesium          =                 10.0 mg

Iron                      =                 1.24 mg

Potassium            =                 370 mg

Zinc                      =                 0.730 mg

Total Fat              =                 0.420 g

Saturated Fat       =                 0.056 g

Cholesterol           =                 ___

Sodium                 =                 4.00 mg

Based on % Daily Value produced by 100 grams of mushroom

Percentage Composition

Fiber                     =                 1.20%

Minerals               =                 0.890%

Carbohydrates     =                 3.45%

Fat                        =                 0.420%

Protein                 =                 2.09%

Water                   =                 91.8%

As stated above regarding the benefits of mushroom soup, consuming them will give the following nutrients:

  1. Vitamin B1, B2
  2. Niacin
  3. Folates
  4. Minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron and trace elements

However, they are poor in vitamin C and calcium. Their provitamin A or vitamin E content is quite somewhat negligible.

In essence, mushroom soup or any other form of it may not be recommended for individuals with gout because they are digested slowly because they contain chitin and their type of proteins are enriched with nucleic acids.

Benefits of Mushroom Soup

On the benefits of mushroom soup, they are quite and particularly useful in diet therapy because of their anti-diabetic content.

What contributes to this effect is due to their low carbohydrate content (about 3.45%) and high proteins and B group vitamins.

Experiments with diabetic laboratory animals have shown that consuming them brings down the need for insulin to regulate blood glucose.

Furthermore, the most amazing health benefits of mushroom soup is that the obese and diabetic may eat mushrooms due to their satiating effect and their low caloric content. In this case, they should not be fried with oil.

Overall Health Benefits of Mushroom Soup

Here are the total health benefits of mushroom soup. As stated above, it is advised you eat mushrooms cooked.

There are various ways to prepare mushrooms but I’m focusing on mushroom soup because I grew up consuming them and up until today I still crave for their aroma, taste and the benefits.

The following are some of the numerous benefits of mushroom soup

  1. Guarantees energy
  2. Helps the heart health
  3. Protect the brain
  4. Anti-aging
  5. Help in strengthening the bone

Energy guaranteed

The amazing thing here is that mushrooms are highly rich in B vitamins such as folate (B9), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), and also niacin which is also known as B3.

They all help the body in utilizing energy from the food we eat and help manufacture red blood cells that convey oxygen to the rest of the body system. I suggest you consider making mushroom soup a part of your diet if you haven’t.

Mushrooms help the heart health

duck and shiitake-mushroom soup
duck and shiitake-mushroom soup

Mushroom Soup taste better because they make available glutamate ribonucleotides. These compounds contribute a savory taste and have no heart disease or blood pressure risks.

Mushroom soup is better and can be consumed in place of red meat. This eliminates calories, cholesterol and fat.

Protect the brain

A study carried and published in Spain in 2021 found that foods such as mushrooms are quite protective against cognitive decline especially in older folks. Again, antioxidants such as glutathione and ergothioneine help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Therefore, these are some of the benefits of mushroom soup which help reduce one’s risk of neurological ailments in time to come.


The substances and antioxidants found in mushrooms according to study by 201 Penn State work to prevent and protect the body from physiological stress which is also a factor that causes visible aging signs.

Help in strengthening the bones

oyster mushroom
A healthy looking clutch of fresh oyster mushrooms growing out of the base of a dead tree

The mushrooms that grow or grown outside in ultraviolet light are a great source of vitamin D.

Consuming them meets the daily requirement of vitamin D which help in strengthening the bones.

In Nigeria, there is a species that are exposed to sunlight before consumption which results in levels of vitamin D2.

The exposure to sunlight also helps in preserving them.

Preparation and Use

  1. Cooked: Fried or roasted or in a variety of culinary preparation. Here, it requires a little cooking time.
  2. Raw: They should be sliced quite thinly and consumed raw and must cleaned thoroughly. Raw mushrooms may have carcinogenic effects due to their agaritine content.
  3. Preserves: They retain their flavor and aroma when they are frozen, dried or canned.


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