Gentian Benefits

Gentian Benefits

Amazing Gentian Benefits

Gentian benefits are quite enormous in that it’s mainly for the liver and the stomach. As a plant for the stomach, its main properties include:

  • Cholagogue
  • Tonic
  • Anthelmintic
  • Stomachic

Primarily, it affects the liver, blood, spleen, stomach and circulation.

This medicinal herb is an excellent invigorator. It grows so slowly and it may take more than 10 years to bloom. However, it can live up to more than 15 years. Some plant gatherers who seem quite greedy have brought this beautiful plant to the edge of extinction.

Gentian Benefits
Gentian flowers

Gentian is a vivacious plant in the Gentianaceae family. It grows from 60 cm to 100 cm high. The stem is smooth and upright with oval shaped flowers.

The part of the plant used for medicinal purposes is the root.

According to Dioscorides, the great Greek physician and botanist, he said gentian root when drunk in water helps individuals suffering from stomach and liver disorders. Up until today, his observation is remains valid.

As a matter of facts, gentian benefits can be seen it its capabilities as of the most appreciated appetizer and a plant for the digestive system.

Properties and Indications

There are several bitter components that can be found in the root of gentian plant. The most significant and outstanding among them remain gentiopicrin and amarogentin. The bitterest substance ever known here is the later.

According the healthy plants, a book written by Dr. George Pamplona-Roger, it said when amarogentin is dissolved in fifty million parts of dissolvent, the bitter taste remains noticeable.

However, gentian has diverse tannin, sugars and pectin.

The following are some of the properties

As states earlier, it has the following properties

  1. Stomachic invigorator
  2. Immunostimulant
  3. Choleretic and Chalogogue
  4. Febrifuge

Stomachic Invigorator

Talking about gentian benefits, the bitter component in the root of this medicinal plant stimulates the secretion of all digestive glands, as well as saliva glands. In essence, they have appetizing property (increase appetite) and also facilitate digestion.

As it is, recommending the gentian root for those suffering from chronic gastritis with inadequate gastric juice, gastric agony, ptosis, indigestion, lack of appetite, vomiting and convalescence from febrile diseases are some of the gentian benefits.


It helps in stimulating the body defenses. As a matter of facts, the gentian root has proven to trigger an increase of white blood corpuscles production (leukocytes production).

As it is, one of the gentian benefits is its positive action when cases of immune system depression arise. So, when there is lack of infectious resistance, gentian root is recommended.

Choleretic and cholagogue

Gentian Root
Gentian Root

In the liver, it facilitates that secretion of bile. This is the reason I mentioned that among the gentian benefits, the liver and the stomach are the primary organs that obtain significant effects of the plant.

Therefore, it is recommended for liver congestion and biliary dysfunction.


See Also: Benefits of White Willow Plant


Although, this plant does not have febrifuge properties. However, it is quite effective for malaria. Again, there are evidences that the gentian is capable of destroying the protozoa that cause malaria and that which attacks red blood corpuscles.

When combined with quinine, it is particularly recommended for quinine persistent malaria.

Summary of Gentian Benefits

Internally, gentian benefits are as follow:

  1. It quickens internal actions
  2. It helps in overcoming slow digestion
  3. It improves appetite
  4. It increases digestion
  5. Gentian also facilitates circulation
  6. It is recommended for pancreatitis, slow urination, cold, female problems and gout

Preparation and use

  1. Decoction with 10 grams per liter of water. Allow it to boil for an hour. Before meal, drink half a cup
  2. Dry extract or powder: 0.5-1 g is recommended dose before eating
  3. Cold extract: Put a piece of gentian root in a cold water. Allow steeping for four to five hours. Before meal, drink three cups daily. To reduce the bitter taste, add anise seeds.
  4. Gentian Root Tincture: Take 1/2 – 2 tablespoons three times daily
  5. Fluid extract: Take 1/4 – 1/2 tablespoon 3 times daily.

It is advised you combine gentian with aromatic herbs such as peppermint, sassafras, wood betony, ginger and spearmint.


Gentian must not be mistaken as white hellebore because it is a toxic plant that grows near gentian.


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