Amazing home remedies for allergies
Home remedies for allergies solely begins by taking precautions and avoiding certain allergen which one needs to recognize in order to avert future crisis. Recognizing what your body rejects is a good step to fighting allergies.
In a situation where the cause of allergies is quite unclear, an antiallergenic diet is recommended so as to eliminate foods that cause allergies. For example, foods such as egg, meat, shellfish, milk, spices, honey, chocolate, additives etc.
Let’s take a look at the symptoms and causes of allergies before discussing home remedies for allergies.
Symptoms and causes of allergies

An allergy means a sensitivity to a particular substance or body’s rejection of chemical substance. It may come in form of ingested food, inhaled or introduced into the body by any means.
Symptoms of allergies
Symptoms of allergies are quite enormous which ranges from the following:
- Digestive symptoms: This occurs after eating and they are: stomach ulcers, set mouth, canker sores, excessive tiredness, palpitations, swelled stomach, sweating, metallic taste, indigestion, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heart burn.
- Skin symptoms: they include; acne, hives, dark circles under eyes, itching, eczema, psoriasis, flushing, blotches, skin rash
- Nervous symptoms: fast heart rate, anxiety, confusion, irritability, depression, anger, learning and memory problems, restlessness and hyperactivity.
- Muscular and skeletal symptoms: These include: arthritis, aches in the neck (back, or shoulders), spasms, joint pain, fatigue.
- Respiratory symptoms: The throat symptoms may include: cough, asthma, chest tightness, hoarseness, sore throat or dry throat, hay fever, nosebleeds, shortness of breath.
Causes of allergies

An allergy or allergen may be harmless to some individuals while wreaking havoc to others.
However, allergen may not be a bacteria or virus but it may be molds, smoke, perfumes; I noticed that I’m allergic to some sorts of perfumes because they give me heart burn after inhaling them. These kinds of perfumes have strong odors.
Other causes of allergies may be pollen, formalin, hair spray, fumes from gas stoves, paint fumes, tobaccos smoke.
For instance, hay fever which is triggered by pollen from flowers. However causes vary; there could be skin rash with itching from fish or strawberries, headache from perfume, or molds in the house, in the food or in the drugs.
Also remember that allergies are not life threatening. However, this article will discuss various home remedies for allergies.
Natural or home remedies for allergies
To release allergens from your body, start with a short 3-day cleansing fast which should be solely on fruits and vegetable juices. This is because they will help remove excess mucus build up and release allergens.
You may take 1 tsp. of olive oil, half of ginger, 1 tsp. of fenugreek or dandelion during the fast.
Take vitamin A and zinc, get enough essential fatty acids and B complex.
Take pantothenic acid (50-100 mg) 3 times daily for a few days.
Eat a balanced diet that’s moderate and nourishing
Drink enough water.
Do the following:
Avoid canned, preserved, refined, sugary foods.
Take 1 – 2 tsp. bee pollen granules each day. It helps to solve allergic reactions for some individuals.
Take two acidophilus capsules daily. It helps to solve allergic reactions.
If you suspect a food might be the problem, avoid that food for a week or two, then try eating the food again and see if the symptoms will appear again.
The following are some of the suspect foods: soybeans, oysters, caffeine, white sugar foods, fried foods, meat products, citrus, strawberries, tomatoes, bananas, peanuts, chocolate, refined foods.
Herbs as home remedies for allergies
The following are some of the herbs that can be used as home remedies for allergies. They include:
- Nettles
- Garlic
- Horseradish
- Ginkgo
- Wild yam
- Echinacea
This herb is usually used as antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. Take 1/2 tsp. tincture or 1-2 capsules.

This medicinal herb root contains quercetin which diminishes inflammatory reactions. Bromelain in pineapple makes quercetin more effective. This is the reason it is used as one of the home remedies for allergies.
Ginkgo contains ginkgolides which reduces allergies, inflammation and asthma. It is not advisable to use more than 60 – 240 mg of the standardized extract per day. This is in accordance with recommendations from natural remedies encyclopedia.
Wild yam as one of the home remedies for allergies stimulates hormone production which reduces inflammation caused by allergies.
The work of horseradish is to clear the sinuses and feverfew helps in treating migraine and also useful for allergies. Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid feverfew.
Other herbs that can be used as home remedies for allergies are the following which also have antihistamine properties. They are:
- Dandelion
- Comfrey
- Eyebright
- Burdock
- Goldenseal
- Lobelia
- Fenugreek
Use eyebright for excess mucus while you may take 1 cup of the following herbal teas for irritated mucous membranes.
Echinacea helps in stimulating the immune system. Take 1/2 to 1 tsp. tincture, 3 times a day
For eye redness, drink hot mullein flower tea.
Drink licorice root tea for weak adrenal gland. Avoid it of you have high blood pressure.
- Do not smoke
- Avoid secondhand handkerchief
- Avoid pesticides, fungicides etc.
- Don’t swim in a lake infested with algae or pool that is highly chlorinated
- Avoid mold, fresh paint
- Use molds-proof plants
- Clean damp areas
- Get rid of old carpets and clean the floors.
- Reduce or eliminate foods such as fish, meat, milk, shellfish, cured cheese, alcoholic beverages, spices, honey, additives
Benefits of Eating Strawberries

A graduate of Computer Science and Information Management Technology. Diploma – Caregiving, Certificates – Dementia and Diabetes Awareness and Management. A researcher, blogger, songwriter, singer and acoustic guitarist. Born in an environment where natural talents such as healing are imparted at our natural birth. This natural talents of healing is the result of our genetic inheritance and the training from family environment.